
Q to the uestion!

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IM 16 years old and i always hear about all these kids my age ( and somtimes younger, i think i heard about the "Mullins prodigy "somwhere, 12 years old or somthing in that area) skydiving and having like 200 or so jumps already. I dont know if its a california thing, but I gotta be 18. I got a job last year just to save up enough money to pay for a tandem and AFF, so i could start jumping in college. BUT.... i cant wait........ i want to jump RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! do these kids have thier A or what , and where can u be my age to start jumping? [:/]


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Alot of these younger jumpers are as experienced as they are b/c their family owns the drop zone/jump planes they happen to jump.Also, there was a time when you could jump before you were 18 if you had parental consent and alot of paperwork filed.Good luck to you.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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They can jump at a young age since their parents usually own the DZ and let them jump when they feel they are ready to. Short of having your parents owning a DZ... I think you'll have to wait. Some DZ's offer AFF at 16 but you need to call and see on those.

And the Mullins kid (I forget his name :$) is just great at 200 jumps and 12 years old. He did WFFC like a pro. His brothers are in credible jumpers with a lot of jumps before they graduated High School.
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looks like i still got 2 years until the big day[:/]. Already have about $2000 saved up.

That's fantastic! I started jumping in college with not much money in the bank. It took me 9 months to get my A license, and an entire summer of 40 hour weeks at a crappy job to buy gear. I would have loved to be in your position. You can bang out your training jumps as fast as you feel comfortable, and if you keep saving, will be able to buy gear right away.

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You read my mind! Thats exactly what I want to do, buy my own gear....who knows what they will have out when the time comes to gear up......now that i think about it , ONLY 2 MORE YEARS!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

you guys are really nice .... i was afraid to post because im not a jumper (yet).I guess i thought that i wasent gonna get the same respect as the other people on here cuz i havent jumpd .......Wrong!!!!you guys and gals are AWESOME!!!!!!!! IVE found my new online home!:):)

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Congrats, for what you ask!? Having the determination to save up the money for when the time comes that you can do the things you want to do (This case jumping)

I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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The reason for the age limit is because a minor cannot sign a legal contract and the parents cannot sign away the minors right to sue.....they can waive thier own rights to sue, but if the minor was to get injured then when the minor gets to his age of majority (18) he could then begin legal proceedings against whomever he chose (DZ, staff, manufacturers, etc. ) unfortunatly this country has waaaayyy too many lawyers......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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