
Best Tuesday Morning Ever

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So I got up this morning at 6:30 am (I am in Australia for those confused by it not being Tuesday yet) and rode the bike down to the DZ. They put just 5 loads up and I was on 1. 3 & 5. A 4-way on 1 followed by two 2-ways. The third jump was the best, just really good fun although it was marred by an "interesting" spot and a twenty minute hike back to the DZ through fields of bullocks. And all packed up and back in Sydney in time for lunch.

Beat that.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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What's a Bullock? Any relation to Sandra??? ;);) I'm jealous.

My first A licensed jump was a 2 way with a level 2 coach - one of the few on DZ who pushes for an early morning load (our little Cessna rarely goes wheels up before 10 ayem it seems).

Garth and I found 2 more conscious 'victims' - another experienced senior and someone more junior than me. Our pair was to be out first. We had calm air and maybe 5 mph of wind - easy to spot right?

The pilot pulls a U turn RIGHT over the bowl on jumprun (1/2 mile short or so) and my Senior immediately shouts DOOOR without authorization and starts climbing out. I'm next but slow to get in position - partially hampered by the fact the plane is buffeting all over the place all of a sudden (can you say Stall, boys and girls? I knew you could).

Our 2 way is a blast but at breakoff at 3500 I turn and track away from DZ. Garth, apparently, pulled in place. I landed in the middle of a wheat field a mile North of the runway's end. GArth just made it back to the edge of the airport.

The second pair did not take a go-around and landed further away then me -

That load won the 'Helen Keller spotting award' ... shared by Garth and out Pilot :)

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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