
Scratches on Oxygen Helmet Visor

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I have an Oxygen Helmet and the visor has bad scratches not caused by me. They just started to appear after using it. I'll describe the scratches as "crazing" like one would see on old china. I've heard replacing the visor is a nightmare and was wondering how I could buff them out. It's pretty bad.. a little hard to make out my altimeter. Any answers would be appreciated.
Thanks and Blue Skies.

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You could try one of those automotive light/lens rejuvenation kits. I've had someone tell me they had acceptable results with one of them - but from personal experience, I:

1. Would not go with one of the cheaper ones (been there tried that - have the TRASHED visor to show for it), and then...

2. By the time/expense you've done that - actually just getting the NEW / REPLACEMENT visor (what I ended up doing ANYWAY) is still, probably in the end analysis - best.
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I have an Oxygen Helmet and the visor has bad scratches not caused by me. They just started to appear after using it. I'll describe the scratches as "crazing" like one would see on old china. I've heard replacing the visor is a nightmare and was wondering how I could buff them out. It's pretty bad.. a little hard to make out my altimeter. Any answers would be appreciated.
Thanks and Blue Skies.

Not a nightmare but also not the easiest thing in the world. Spend the ~$25 for a new visor and follow the directions. You'll be okay...

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Not a nightmare. I change mine every year. Just a couple screws, the plate, and the ratchet mechanisms to deal with. Only tricky bit is to keep track of how the ratchets are orientated on the visor once you pull them out. Just do one side at a time, after you pull the visor off the ratchet, immediately press it into the square hole of the new visor. If you're afraid of getting confused, put an orientation mark on the ratchet with a magic marker, wherever it makes sense to you.

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Once the material starts crazing the best solution is replacement. The crazing is not just a surface defect, it goes deeper. The lens cleaning kits are made for uncoated polycarbonate lenses, which this is NOT. The visor is coated for fog resistance and the lens cleaner will remove it. As stated above the visor is not terribly hard.
Keep the shiny side up.

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I tried a bunch of different stuff on mine. Best relults came from plain old water and an air dry. But as mentioned earlier, you just have to replace the thing about once a year.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid never live at all.

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