
Eloy Boogie Info

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B-squared is enfuego today.

Hey, Bets, I needed to wear green and red for that parade last week, so I take the "Surf's Up" shirt out, put it on and tell the Mrs. "Lets go!".

We both laughed so hard we cried. We figured the shirt might be a little, uh, "casual" for the parents of "Most Holy Rosary Elementary".

What a great T-shirt for a parade though, "Brownies coming through! Back The F*ck Up!":P:P:P

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Hey, Bets, I needed to wear green and red for that parade last week, so I take the "Surf's Up" shirt out, put it on and tell the Mrs. "Lets go!".

We both laughed so hard we cried. We figured the shirt might be a little, uh, "casual" for the parents of "Most Holy Rosary Elementary".

What a great T-shirt for a parade though, "Brownies coming through! Back The F*ck Up!"

BB laughs so hard she falls to the floor in a heap......tears streaming down her face....make it stooooop!

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As a former Flight Attendant I have asked for passengers to be removed from the aircraft due to lack of cooperation. I'm sure Chuck will cooperate fine; however, AGGRIVATE may be an entirely different story.;)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Im sure this may seem odd but I know Im really late posting on this but if anyone here is from georgia or one of the surrounding states and is planning to fly out to eloy for the boogie Ill foot for fuel for the plane if you could give me a ride out and back. And if not then I guess Im sunk. But if anyone can help please RSVP me at brass@mindspring.com
Thanx and Blue Skies
- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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I don't think so. I had planned a trip to the left coast but 9/11 sorta put a stop to that when my kids freaked out. We'll meet in Eloy in 9 days though!! Want me to arrange for you to get kicked off the plane on your way?

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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60% chance of rain on the 26th!

I'm sorry. That's unacceptable. At the very least, the drop zone should provide free beer. And my tent has a small hole in the top I was going to just cover with tape, assuming it never rains in Arizona. Maybe I'll have to break down and do it right.

Well, if it's raining, anyone up for skiing?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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HUM...skis, a truck, a parachute or two and lots of skydivers. And everyone thought the flight attendants were going to have trouble with SkymonkeyONE and me on the plane...LOL

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Anyone at Perris during the Para-Performance World Games in November 2001 could have watched Clint Clawson do exactly this, launching from some sort of tricycle contraption. It was completely nuts. He got the main inflated, raced to nearly 40 mph behind a van before he got "lift-off", soared to about 400 feet under an old EXTreme 120, then cutaway the tow line and hooked the piss out of it, swooping the narrow pond next to the grass landing area.


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ya recentlty JC and Jim have been doing a neat trick. Jim will land on the back of JC's dirt bike while it racing along the grass landing area. Pretty cool shit!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Just confirmed Lewmonst and I will be the producers for the Boogie Video! Make sure you find one of us before you do anything that might damage flesh, bone, remove eyes or digits, bend any sort of metal, cause a malfunction, incite rage or vomiting in yourself or others, be the cause or means of attracting the attention of EMS, fire, or law-enforcement types, or otherwise be interesting to other skydivers.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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