
Back In The Air

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Well, I did it. After 11 months, I finally jumped today. Even got to ride to altitude with a dot commer.
Got to the dz at 5:45 and watched Corky get an early start at 30 jumps for his 30th birthday.
11,500, DETOXX does this awesome exit from the Cessna, now its my turn. Matts just gonna dive out behind me and see that I do everything safe, backloop, 360, 360, track, pull at 5000.
Im on the step, geeking Matt, I leave the step and it was immediately obvious I hadnt jumped in 11 months. Man, I was on my back, back on my belly, on my back again, then belly to earth again. I did a practice ripcord touch and booyaa, the cobwebs were gone. Did the best backloop so far, a couple 360's that were clean and controlled, did a bit of tracking, nothing hard, just a bit. Clean, stable deployment.
My main worry about the whole jump was that I had only jumped at AAW across town from Skydive Taft.
No worries, I set up, and stuck the landing.


The Dude Abides.

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Congratulations!! Your story hit home with me. It's been a little over 12 months for me...I'm getting back my groove. Even bid on an alimaster III on ebay today. Good for you that you got back into it. I'm sure I'll be a little sloppy on my exits & what not to begin with too...but hey...it's all worth it!
What you "think" you cannot do ...you CAN if you "think" about it

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That's absolutely great, Ed. Congratulations on getting your knees cold again!

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Congrats! I am sure you can consider this as the happiest day in the past 11 months. It is amazing how even a few long weeks make you appreciate the sky that much more.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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