
"Men Should Lead, Women Should Follow"

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Now I'm not arguing that women do not have the intellect to make decisions. Au contraire; if anything, because women are quite intelligent, and oftentimes more intelligent than their significant others, men need to give them an additional deterrent from seeking to be the boss.

Bwahahahahahaa....I'm laughing so hard, I'm tearing up from this article! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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yeah baby I'll follow you....lead the way to the bedroom then we shall see....

Screw that. I wanna be flung over the shoulder and carried off to the bedroom....


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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What? You mean this isn't true?

"Just about all women are crazy.
You've probably already figured that out at some point in your life. Women simply are not normal. They may act civilized, they may act proper, but it's all a façade, a scam designed to reel men in before putting on the proverbial handcuffs (and the ball and chain on our ankles)."
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Yeah, whatever.

Somehow the fact that there are female skydivers living and breathing would REALLY freak this moron out. We are definitely not your typical submissive females.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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my favorite quotes are:


Second, women became delusional and thought that their careers mattered.


Employers are not crazy enough to pay women more, but they may just replace men with women.


Frankly, if ever a woman thinks that a man will move to another city because she got a transfer, she should lay off the birth control pill because it is obviously making her delusional. Better yet, she should stop holding her breath because she needs some oxygen to help her think again.

oh yeah, and the best of all

then we can add that it is equally okay for men to lie to women.

ok, i have to get back into the kitchen now. BWwwahahahahahaahahaaa

Oh yeah, I emailed the writer of the article, and told him he was stupid. His email address is alexkent@askmen.com so fire away.


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We are definitely not your typical submissive females.

However, with the proper training submission can be taught!

A funny thing a 15 year old young man told me this weekend. He said "Women are emotional"!

I welcomed him to the fraternity of confusion!

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A funny thing a 15 year old young man told me this weekend. He said "Women are emotional"!

Ha! Yeah - he told me that too. Asked for advice. I told him, at age 15 there is no really good advice. Just don't try to hard to make sense of girls that age, because you won't be able to. I also told him some women grow out of it (the game playing and emotional train wrecks we are in our teens) and some never do. Good luck trying to tell them apart. :D

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Quite the button-pusher, ain't it?

And while we're on the topic, "The Man Show" is back on Comedy Central with new hosts...:D
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Very good Lew. Keep them coming. I guess it pays to have you laid up for awhile, you get to find interesting things for us to read.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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However, with the proper training submission can be

You keep on dreaming too sweetie, and I'll show you some sky chicks who will train YOU!

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I think we should all drop a little note to the dude who wrote that article

I'd love to, but i have to ask permission before emailing another man...:P


Oh well, I'm sure he doesn't really care what we think anyway (being just women and all)... probably has a whole email folder called "Letters from Angry Women" that he reads for entertainment... What a pathetic little man... :S

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I especially enjoyed his show of intelligence (i.e., lack of education) by comparing women to Pavlov's dog. I am going to speculate that all he remembers from his freshman Psychology class in college is Pavlov. LOL

This guy has MAJOR ISSUES. His life must really suck.

On a brighter note, its good to see you online, Lew! I miss you and hope you feel better soon.


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Sis is back online!!

Man, it's great to see you're posting again (or was this a once off??)

How are girl?? Missed you...'s been ages! PM or email me to chat...would love to catch up!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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I have been posting again for awhile now, just not as much as I did a long time ago. I even replied to one of your posts a couple of weeks ago...

Anyway, I am actually BUSY these days, so I don't have as much time to peruse the threads as I used to, but I try to pop in once in awhile. It is better to see everyone in person, like we all did at WFFC! :)


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Well, yeah...of course...wow, what an article...Finally the truth comes out!


The part about fighting to "Get" the girl, but not wanting to fight "With" her was a little unclear...I often used to tell my (Now Ex) wife that I didn't want to fight "with" her. In the article, does he mean "Along Side" or "Against"?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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