
How many jumps have you made without a malfunction?

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358. jinx jinx.:P

If I was of the superstitious type, I'd be expecting a shitload of DZcommer reserve rides in the next few days....:D

Bad crap/karma... comes in sets of 3. Good news is you are #3 (bad news is...never mind:|)
#2)LewMonst is healing up now.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Funny you should ask. Dammit... had WELL over 1000 jumps with no mal... had a spinner last week. That's that only bad part about skydiving in the Florida Keys. You chop your shit and I guarantee you're going for a swim. Two swims to be exact. One to get my main and another to get my freebag. You better believe I tried to fight that thing! Fuckin' Spinettos.

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