
How many jumps have you made without a malfunction?

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All but three, so around 2340. But then, it depends on your definition of a malfunction. Do you mean cutaway? Do you mean reserve deployment? (It is possible to have either without the other.) Do you mean annoyances like line twists, stuck slider, end cell collapse (which are usually fixable, but taught under "Malfunctions").

If I had to guess, you're probably asking "How many sequential jumps have you made without an unintentional reserve ride?"


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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You had a mal on your first AFF jump?!
That's freaky!
I only have 6 jumps and just started my first level of PFF (we call it progressive free fall in Canada) and i am so scared of my first Mal[:/]
Do you feel more confident now for the next time a mal should happen?

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Hi Mel,

I guess technically it wasn't a mal (according to what he is asking for) as I didn't cut-away.

Yes, it was pretty scary. There were a few clouds and my instructors tried to get me into a hole for deployment. I ended deploying in a cloud - OMG - came through and I had a pilot chute over the nose, closed cells. I immediately began screaming, then told myself "calm down and deal." I did a control check and was able to navigate to the ground (thank god it was a student canopy that was HUGE/docile). My instuctors were shocked that I didn't cut it away. Unlike most, I am now terrified of clouds, and avoid them like the plague (I can't stand the white-out effect).

I'm always nervous about a mal. I make certain to go through the motions on every jump... right, left, arch! Always reminding myself to BREATH and stay calm. I also deploy where I am confident that I have some time on my side (comfort zone for me).

Good luck, and have fun! gia

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Do you mean annoyances like line twists, stuck slider, end cell collapse (which are usually fixable, but taught under "Malfunctions").

Define a problem: Something that can be fixed

Define a malfunction: Demand imediate attention and emergency procedures should be used.

Line twists, hung slider, end cell closure etc and defined as problems. That's how I teach my students

Shape, Size, Spin

If you have line twist, the manta looks like it's a round, only cells are inflated and it's spinning you, then it's not a problem anymore, it's a mal

just my .02 cents

<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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