
How many jumps have you made without a malfunction?

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All but 6 of them;)

For those that have not had a mal....Don't be afraid of them...As long as you get all your gear back they are kinda fun.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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918 with out counting a little insident that i had because there was no malfuntion. but if you want to count it as a malfunction 264.
CIelos azules

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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I was trying hard to go my first 1000 jumps without a cut-away. On my 515 jump I started jumping an Alpha84 (very nice canopy once open)which seriously stacked the odds not in my favor. My pack jobs are very consistent and neat. Infact quit often I like to describe them as perfect. The Alpha typically had consistent mostly on heading openings. But on about 1 jump out of every 8 or 10 openings the canopy demonstrated a talent for self inducing line twist for no other reason than just to spin up. After almost being hit by someone in freefall twice I have developed a minor phobia of people exiting behind me. When possible I prefer to exit last and pull high. So most of the time the canopy opened with twist I was high and always had time to deal with stuff. Still somewhat to my suprise, the canopy usually did not dive. Most of the time it stayed stable enough that I could get myself out of the twist without any extra drama or trama (at the time jumping that canopy did little to help me relax on my skydives). Then on jump 679 I broke off from the dive early and was under canopy at 4k (information recalled from logbook). Since I had the extra altitude I guess my trusty ol' Alpha figured I plenty time to play with some suprise twist. I was quickly on my back. The final split second of the opening was slightly violent enough to offset the weight in my harness enough to dive the canopy and put me on my back. Only this time I couldn't roll over. I couldn't turn myself out of the twist. Infact it was enough just to keep from slowly turning into another twist. I thought to myself okay this one is it. This time I have to do it. Igotafirm grip on my cut-away with both hands. I bent my neck as farback as possible to keep the camera box out of the risers while at the same time keeping the malfunctioned main perfectly in frame. No way I was missing this shot. Then I did it and wheeeeeee!!!!! The Alpha was spinning so fast that when I cut-away it sling shot the hell out of me. I was kicking and swimming with both my arms and my legs. I swear it seemed like at least a couple of seconds before my trajectory felt like it had changed from horizontal to vertical. What Fun!! I'm guessing I cut the canopy away between 1800 & 2200. My dytter siren set at 1500 started going off as the reserve lifted me up. After I got down and let a coupleof seconds go by I was all smiles. While I was looking for my freebag and main. I was mentally trying to juggle finances to see if I might be able to afford an intentional cut-away rig. When I got back to the hanger I looked at the video and the darn lens fogged up right after opening. My video clip of cut-away was of a yellow blurr. It's kinda there and then it's not. My second cut-away was also with my Alpha on jump number 692, 10 days later. I didn't record the reason why in my book but for some reason I went low on a 3-way. I guess maybe to video an opening. I use to do that alot. My altimeter said 2000k when I looked just before I threw out. I'm guessing I actually started opening around 1800 -1900'. I looked up and the canopy was a snivelin and a spinning. I remember the length of the twist on the line set looked to be about 4 inches tall. I cut-away the canopy just before it fully inflated. A 1/2 back flip and I was under my reserve (Dash-M109). Even though I was straight over the property I opened with my back to the runway. Under the stress of the situation I did not immediately recognize where I was. Only bad thing was considering my altitude I had to immediately land. My Raven is much more of a friend than the Alpha. It landed me safely going sideways since I didn't know where to turn to face into the wind. I remember after both cut-aways wanting to immediatly get back in the air. And I also held on to my handels both times. On jump number 823 (i believe) I broke my ankle with a lazy flare coming into swoop. Even though that one was not the Alpha's fault I had decided I had enough of the canopy. Which meant, time to down size. I sold the Alpha and used the $$ to buy my first BASE container and then put a new FX74 on the C.C. The FX is the best opening canopy I have had by far. It even opens a little better than my spectre120. Of course I wouldn't depend on it like my Spectre. Right now I have 1341 jumps and almost 500 jumps on my FX. Of those 500 jumps I have had a single 1/2 twist when I pulled out of a hard enough track that it flung my feet in front of me.



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"knock on wook"

Does Spielberg know you are doing that to Chubaca?

I seem to remember a 2-way with you and a particularly barbEric individual where one of you came down with his reserve out, or at least with your reserve out. Who packed that one?

I had a line twist thing which progressed to spinning on my back. Ching ching, baby. Probably would have caused a normal person to pass out. Luckily no one has ever called me normal. Was I scared? That's between me and whoever does my laundry.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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WOW! That is a freaky situation! No wonder you don't like clouds! But instead of freaking out you overcame your fear and came through! Your instructors must have been impressed.
I go over emergency procedures before every jump as well and even though i only have 6, i'm sure that i will never break that ritual! You never know what could happen each time you go up................
I notice your from California; COOL! I would love to go there someday. I live in New Brunswick, Canada.
How is the DZ in Cali?

All people who live, die.
But, not all people who die have lived.

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low speed at 120
CrW wrap (dubious it's mal) around 200
high speed last year around 1700

So it's been about 300

one of each

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Hi Mel,

So. Cal is great ~ sometimes a bit too busy for my liking(I'm originally from Utah - country girl @ heart), but you can't beat the weather and accessibility to everything! The DZ's here are great. There are plenty to choose from in the LA area. The best part is Perris and Elsinore are only 20 minutes apart. Come and visit us sometime! :)

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Ummm...75 before my first one (text book line over - uneventful cutaway and reserve ride),

and 146 [and counting...]since!!!


Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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190...in fact, another jumper and I bet $5 bucks a few weeks ago that the other would have the first mal. We figured that would 'mal-proof' us. Well, he had a cutaway the very next jump, on the first jump of his most recent reserve repack! D'oh! Soooo, I of course turned around and found another zero mal jumper and kept the karma going in my favor...bet him $5 bucks...neither of us has 'malfed' yet. Heh heh heh...Good Karma, good karma, good karma...
Attitude is everything!

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