
I don't know how I get away with this sh!t...

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So I'm in the bar with my friend last night, and getting good and loaded. She's leaving for Rome for 6 months next week so we're doing shots, basically getting wrecked.

There's a group of Pagans at the bar and they're talking about racing their bikes and how fast they are. I start telling them how I can beat all of them. One of them says, lets go...Philly to Daytona and back. I tell him he misunderstood, I didn't mean on a bike...try going 150mph straight toward the ground. Well, now I've got a group of 10 bikers that want to come out and do tandems. We'll see if they chicken out or not.

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we were loading in the skyvan once and there was a 300lb, 6'3" biker aff student crying like a baby. On the ride up we were all joking about how macho the guy was when he told that story to his friends

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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good job. I wish I could that. If they chicken out ya gotta give them some shit

Well, they started coming up with excuses right off the bat.

"Yeah, I always wanted to try that but I don't want to be strapped onto no guy."

So I told him he could jump on his own and do AFF.

"Pffft, I gotta sit through 6 hours of classroom training, I don't have time for that."


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I dont know if any DZO wants a herd of Pagans showing up at the DZ anyway ;)

They are waaaaay more fun than a pack of religious freaks.........:P and you dont have to watch your languageB|

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I dont know if any DZO wants a herd of Pagans showing up at the DZ anyway ;)

They are waaaaay more fun than a pack of religious freaks.........:P and you dont have to watch your languageB|


.... hehehe.... drunken hay-rides with bible study groups are so fun though!
(yeah, they'll never come past the dz again [:/])
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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and you dont have to watch your language

Unless you are at AerOhio.....:D I got yelled at for telling someone to "Get the FUCK off the plane!!! GO BITCH!!!" I tend to get agitated when people are hosing my spot for no good reason. Ahhh....who needs that DZ anyway. :D

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