
skydiving or France

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I was working in a lumberyard (outside job) in Ottawa in the summer of '95. It was insanely hot that summer. There was about a four week period in which @ 150 people died (IIRC) due to the heat. It was a huge deal on the news every night. Although I do laugh at the French jokes, 3000 already dead is 9/11 type devastation. Why are we not yet providing aid to France?

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No aid because it's not prime time news material. It's not prime time news material because there was no explosion. There must be an explosion first.

But frankly, what aid could be provided to France to deal with this? Money to set up heat shelters? Do they need it?

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Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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No aid because it's not prime time news material. It's not prime time news material because there was no explosion. There must be an explosion first.

But frankly, what aid could be provided to France to deal with this? Money to set up heat shelters? Do they need it?

The costs can pile up quick. I recall that the City of Chicago began purchasing semi-trailer freezers from dairy trucking companies because the morgues were full. Interesting point about the lack of pyro., but it should still be prime news material.

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I remember the Chicago thing. But I find it striking that 3,000 people die in a heat wave in France. Meanwhile, we've got a couple of troops dead from 124 degree temperatures in Iraq.

It makes me wonder how such a thing can happen in a country as advanced as France. We've had a month of triple digit temperatures out here, and people know how to deal with it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Meanwhile, we've got a couple of troops dead from 124 degree temperatures in Iraq.

Well, I dont know too many very old soldiers....


It makes me wonder how such a thing can happen in a country as advanced as France. We've had a month of triple digit temperatures out here, and people know how to deal with it.

Air con is not a standard features in Europe

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It makes me wonder how such a thing can happen in a country as advanced as France. We've had a month of triple digit temperatures out here, and people know how to deal with it.

I'm sure there are many people wondering the same thing, myself included. It seems the only passing guesses currently are along the lines of: mostly elderly people who are alone, as their families are on holiday.

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I don't think the French know the meaning of surrender

does a cow knows its a cow ? no, it just is... :P

anyway, i live in israel, we have more than enough hot days here.
most have A/C but even those who don't have A/C
know a simple fact :
"if its hot and you want to live, DRINK WATER !!!" :S

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Well, I dont know too many very old soldiers....

I do. Well, if you consider 58 and 59 old.

Most of the heat problems hit the elderly very hard. I remember the Chicago cases of men in their nineties mowing lawns at 2:00 in the afternoon when it was 105 out.

I also know that A/C isn't standard in Europe. But I also know that there was an article a couple of days ago that was debating whether to increase power output in French Nuclear reactors. Why? Because they were concerned that the extra hot water cooling them might make the streams a little warmer.

There may indeed be a factor that the government is a little more concernd about things other than the welfare of their people. It seems that in a country as advanced as France, some infrastructure could be added.

3,000 people is no small number. It's a national tragedy. And perhaps should be a national disgrace.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Is that why Iraq and them got along so well?

Because they had so much in common...

1) Can't Fight...
2) history of surrender
3) USA had to come and bail them out
4) wait until all is well again and then bad mouth those that helped them
5) Smell Bad

Should I go on?

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Why are we not yet providing aid to France?

Let them eat cake.

When we lost about 3000 people due to something else a couple years ago around Sept 11 did France send us any relief? (Actually I don't know the answer here - just the stuff afterwards).

Check opinionjournal.com - the 3000 number looks inflated something fierce.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Check opinionjournal.com - the 3000 number looks inflated something fierce.

From www.france2.fr (french TV station) ist bewteen 1500 and 3000


Most of the heat problems hit the elderly very hard. I remember the Chicago cases of men in their nineties mowing lawns at 2:00 in the afternoon when it was 105 out.

Actually, the weather in many parts of france has been +40 c for a more then a weeks now (thats 104F), and the Chicago heat wave was attributed to about 700 death in 3 days... To me, sound slike comparable death tolls.

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>When we lost about 3000 people due to something else a couple
>years ago around Sept 11 did France send us any relief?

No; did we need any?

They did catch a bunch of Al Qaeda operatives for us though. I think we'd prefer they did that than give us a few million bucks.

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Actually, the weather in many parts of france has been +40 c for a more then a weeks now (thats 104F), and the Chicago heat wave was attributed to about 700 death in 3 days... To me, sound slike comparable death tolls.


My wife is hotter than your wife.

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It is pretty straightforward really - they are just not used to it. I am English and when the temp hits these kinds of levels everything stops - people just don't know how to deal with it. We don't have air con as standard because we don't need it. I am now in Australia and the flat I live in doesn't have central heating, or heating of any kind - why not? Because it is mid winter here at the moment and it is 20 odd degrees C. France isn't "a step up from being a third world country" but in the country there are poorer areas that are a lot more basic. It is a tragedy these people have died, especially when it is avoidable but it is due to ignorance more than anything.

And comparing it to 911 is unbeleivable..


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