
Do you believe in God?

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I was just reading something that stated that 92-97 percent of Americans believe in God (which I'm not sure how accurate that number is), and I'm just curious how that compares to what dz.commers believe. I do not want to start a religious debate (since this has already been debated into the ground), so please do not answer "why"...

I apologize in advance if I left out any options, but please feel free to tell me if I did ;-)

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It's not clear to me what you mean by the "higher power" option. Are you referring to belief in some greater being that takes more than a passing interest in us and the rightness/wrongness of our actions (i.e. some variant of a "god")?

Or would more intelligent non-humans fall into this bracket (e.g. "aliens" that couldn't care less what we do with our lives/planet)?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I'm not sure, but I think it gets bumped to the top every time someone votes???

not as far as i know

hope this doesn't turn ugly. religion brings out some of the ugliest sides of people when different points of view come into play.

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hope this doesn't turn ugly. religion brings out some of the ugliest sides of people when different points of view come into play.

That depends on the people, if you address any topic to morons you'll get moronic replies, it's all relative.
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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It's not clear to me what you mean by the "higher power" option.

Sorry, I guess that one's a little vague... but I mean basically any belief in "god" or whatever name you have for it that does not comply with any of the more traditional beliefs... the "Higher Power" phrase I think comes from alcoholic or drug abuse programs, but I was just using that as an example...

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I'm not sure, but I think it gets bumped to the top every time someone votes???

not as far as i know

Ah, after monitoring it for a bit I think I was wrong about that...


hope this doesn't turn ugly. religion brings out some of the ugliest sides of people when different points of view come into play.

I tried to word it as carefully as possible to prevent the whole religious debate thing, so hopefully that will work. I'd like to get as many votes as possible without some ugly debate that just ends up getting locked. ;)

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No, I don't. I don't think the question makes sense though.

One problem is that "God" has come to mean Yahweh, the god of the Jews. Not even the ancient Jews could use the term God, unambiguously. No one would know which god they were talking about. Even in Christ's time, the Jews and pagans worshipped or at least believed in many gods. Finally that belief evolved into a single being - God.

I disagree with ancient man in every area and I don't believe in gods, visible or invisible.

The universe always follows the laws of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. I think there would be exceptions once in a while if there were some unknown, supernatural force in the universe.

Sorry for the verbosity. I used to be Christian and I love talking about the bizarre things I used to believe in.

You can be sure that there are millions of planets with better skydiving weather than what we have here. Not that I'm complaining. I just don't think we should go around worshipping someone for things we know nothing about. I'm wouldn't worship God even if I believed I was going to hell. Screw him.

I love to yell, "Satan, pay my dues!," as I go out, but I don't believe in him either. It's fun though.

Words aren't real

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you need less 'judgmental' options...the way you phrased you question includes unintentional i imagine value connotations

Um, could you put that in English for me? :P

If you're saying I should have put "yes" or "no" as the options, I did think about that but I don't think it's necessarily a "yes or no" question (though it may seem like it is to those whose answers are "yes" or "no" ;))...

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