Mac v Windows

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I have the chance to buy a cheap Mac G4 - I have had a play on it and going from a windows user to this - I just dont know if it is worth the transition for the time it will take learning how Mac works..........

Anyone have any thoughts on why perhaps it would be worth me making the change to a Mac????

Thanks people!


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Anyone have any thoughts on why perhaps it would be worth me making the change to a Mac????

I'm biased, but I don't think it will, unless you are in one of a few specific fields that favor Macs, such as graphic design and primary education. Even there, I think you can do quite well on a PC.

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I have one rule to keep it simple. Whatever you have at work (or whatever your kids have at school) should be what you have at home.

Do you notice that the 'militant' Mac vs PC discussions just don't happen like they used to even 10 years ago?

Maybe they systems aren't that different any more. I wouldn't claim to know either way though.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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nice avatar mateB| would that be.... ohh yes i think so...
tell Steve it aint only his any more.. i live in DK and that one in "mine"aswell:ph34r::D

I would take pc anyday,by the way your "richkid" use some of your mony and by somthing new...

Love your work mate..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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i'm in the process of bulding a production studio( audio first then vid when i get the camaras )i've been looking at a power mac g5 dual processers!!!
plus i can use the mac as a tax write off;)
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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Question: What will you be using a computer for?

It still holds true (but less than a few years ago) that a pc is better for office work and a mac for graphics work. I've used both and prefer the mac....but then again I'm a cameraflyer. B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Unless you have a LOT of Windows-only software that you MUST continue to use, why wouldn't you switch?

The Mac is a better machine: hardware, operating system and a ton of great software all designed from the ground up to function flawlessly together (unlike the typical PC which is a mish-mash of components from a hundred different manufacturers).

I think you will find the transition is easier than you imagine, especially if you will use OSX, which has a very Windows-like file finder interface.

Also, OSX machines now blend seamlessly with Windows environments, so you can still run your machine in a Windows network without any trouble.

WARNING: I am NOt a tech guru, just a Mac fanatic... your experience may differ significantly from what i described. ;)

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Macs have their place in the world, but you can get a much more powerful PC for the same price. And a LOT of the older windows problems (tons of crashes, etc) are solved in win XP. My record uptime in XP is 26 days between restarts. Finally had a website (relative workshop of all sites) crash it. (My computer doesnt like their 3D vector coloring thing for some reason).

Yeah, there is lots of mac software out there, but there is probably 10X as much PC software. I'm not a mac hater, but i just dont think they are necessarily BETTER for all uses. Easier to use? Maybe. But if you've used a PC before, maybe not. Gotta look at what you plan to do with it and what software amd hardware is available. I do a lot of graphics (photoshop) and it works just fine on a PC.


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HEre's my take on it... (i'm a computer technician in a windows/mac environment with close to 1000 computers)

You will be happy with either the mac or windows. Realistically speaking, there is so much software available for both platforms, that finding what you need for either one shouldn't be a problem. I find that we have more problems with windows machines, both software and hardware, but all the companies these days have great customer service and repair facilities.

There's two reasons why I am extremely PRO Mac...
Here they are...

Almost every single virus out there has been scripted to work through the flaws and vulnerabilities of Microsoft's Operating Systems. They are constantly a problem, and constantly have to be worked with.
There are very few, if not any viruses scripted for the Mac. It is a non issue, plain and simple.

The other reason, which I'm sure most Mac people will agree with, is something that happens as soon as you boot up the machine for the first time and every time after. It's almost the same as logging onto dropzone.com... You feel like you're a part of something. Maybe it's because you know you're making up that tiny 7.5% of the entire computer market, maybe it's the welcoming chime, or the great graphics, but there is an immediate sense of being part of a bigger community, which is really gratifying in it's own way.

I love my Powerbook


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My record uptime in XP is 26 days between restarts.

Wow. 26 whole days without a restart. That's amazing. :P

I can't even remember the last time I had to restart my Mac running OSX.


Well, BASE813, we could debate for hours, but I guess the thing to consider is what system you are most comfortable with and what will allow you to be the most productive.

Good luck, whatever you decide! And if you DO go with the Mac and have any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help you out!

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I was thinking the same thing. Of course, my Linux servers usually get to about 1 or 1.5 YEARS before I have to restart them, and usually that's just for a kernel upgrade. ;)

I'm a programmer, not an artist. I was a hardcore Windows guy for many years, but I started using Linux at work a lot... and the Mac is my platform of choice now: All the power of a unix-based OS, with bulletproof and flawless hardware (I plugged in a digital camcorder for the first time, and it simply recognized it automatically and launched the appropriate application. Ever try that in Windows?), and a kick-ass user interface to boot. Not to mention that the Powerbook is about the sexiest laptop ever made. B|

All my servers are Linux and my work computer is now a Powerbook G4, and I'm very happy with it!
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Yeah... what he said!


I have NEVER had a virus problem and when my Mac starts up, out of the box, I KNOW it will do exactly what it is supposed to do.

And you are part of something. Part of the minority that doesn't believe the MHz hype and that demands a simple yet elegant computer that is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing.

I love my roommate's Powerbook... I brought her over to the Dark Side!

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Macs were designed for a 4 year old to use... seriously. They're very very easy to use. OSX is sweet. Almost anything you'd want to do on a PC, you can do on a Mac - unless you're a serious gamer.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I suppose if you love patching operating sysems, want to pursue a career as a system security analyst, or just dealing with crippling software like the w32blaster, then definitely go PC. I never had any of that excitement on a Mac.

And when it comes to techno-bable, my PC friends can go on and on about video cards alone.

Why does my eMac have to be so no-brainer.[:/]
My other ride is the relative wind.

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