
Afraid of Bugs

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I'll admit it. I'm prfoundly phobic of bugs.

Spiders. Roaches. Flies. Mosquitos. Even caterpillars gross me the hell out. I simply hate them. I especially hate crickets, since I can hear them, too.

My girlfriend finds this entertaining. She will often make efforts to point out the insects she sees. A spider on the wall. Etc. Some friends are entertained, too. Others were, until I found their soft-spots (usually afraid of heights. I've got ammo on that one.)

What the hell can I do to rid of me of this fate. I figured a couple of years ago that I am man enough to admit my fear of bugs. Nothing in the world leaves me with willies like that!

It sucks. How do I fix it? Bugs are everywhere...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I opened up a bottle of Snapple yesterday and on the cap it had these weird facts written on the back and it said the following...

The weight of all the termites in the world outweighs the weight of all the humans in the world 10 to 1...

Pretty gross eh...:D

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I can't even handle WATCHING that fear factor show.

Maybe you should start? The only way to get over a phobia is to face it.

I have one of Spiders... it was caused by a nightmare when I was a kid. I have slowly been getting over it by not freaking out, but by killing the little fuckers (getting closer every time I do it.) I don't flip out anymore if there is one on me. I'm still creaped out, but I can calmly get it off of me.... then squish it with my foot.

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I used to be afraid of these Texas insects called yellow Jackets then I slapped one. The f#$^en thing bit me instantly. So I started to stay away from them. Next, I tried to kick one and got bit through my sock. Just a little while ago I was mowing the lawn and got bit by an ant. Nobody hates these ants more than me. I don't know what to say. I only hope that some bio-chemist somehow comes up with a solution so we can kill every last one of these freakin instects before they take over our world. (specially the ants)
By the way I am not afraid of them I just hate them.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Nobody hates these ants more than me.

Oh I dunno. I think you'd get some argument with a lot of folks on that one.

How'd you like to biff in, bust a femur on the first bounce and then land directly on top of a fire ant mound?

That, my friend, is the definition of a "bad day".

Happened to a good friend of mine.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Nobody hates these ants more than me.

Oh I dunno. I think you'd get some argument with a lot of folks on that one.

How'd you like to biff in, bust a femur on the first bounce and then land directly on top of a fire ant mound?
That, my friend, is the definition of a "bad day".
Wow! that does sound pretty horrific. But at the rate that these ants are taking over that can soon be a reality for many more people as well.

Happened to a good friend of mine.

If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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I don't know if things like that are totally curable or not!
I'm terrified of people holding knives...not of knives themselves, although I hate using butcher knives of any kind, but of people using them, chopping things in the kitchen. I've repeated tried to get past it, but any time someone is in the kitchen with a knife (even if it's a small one) and started talking, waving and "talking with their hands", it doesn't matter if they are 5 inches or 5 yards from me, I freak out!
I don't see it as a problem most of the time, but some of my family members get a kick out of holding a knife in my face when I'm in the kitchen.
How did I resolve it? I started threatening lives. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. The fear may never go away...but there is hope. When in doubt, RAID!!!!!!

Blondes do have more fun!

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But at the rate that these ants are taking over that can soon be a reality for many more people as well.

Heh. Funny story.

I went up to visit my folks in Indiana a couple years back. I'm walking around the garden checking out the flowers and all of a sudden my folks hear "AAAGGHH!! Shit!!" and see me hopping around swatting at my feet.

Some ants had gotten onto my feet and I instinctively freaked. Problem is, they were carpenter ants... totally harmless. There aren't any fire ants that far north.

So I explain to my folks my freakish behavior and they go "There are ants that bite?" Even funnier is when I tell the story to Texans. They go "There are ants that don't bite?"


- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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There aren't any fire ants that far north.

We have anys up here in NY that bite, I'm pretty sure that NY is farther North than Indiana, last time I checked at least. Although maybe they just bite me :S:S

Either way, I hate most bugs that bite and most that don't. I don't mind dragon flies though, they're pretty cool. Other than that I kill em. Stupid bugs. >:(
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I had an incident with Carpenter ants on Sunday. I'm helping build my girlfriend's mom's cabin, and there is a nest in a stack of wood.

Big f-ing ants. A lot of f-ing ants. I was complimented as having handled the situations quite well, all things considered.

I hate them.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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