
WFFC Webcam

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We've got about 25-30 users connected all day it seems. Things are kicking really nicely here.

I just adjusted the encoder. Let me know if that helped.

Wish you all would just come on out.

BTW, look for signs to be flashed in front of the webcams all day. I've seen a "Hi Mom" and a Shout out one all ready.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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crap... forgot you can't capture screen on WMP like that, otherwise you would have seen a "Rod where are you?" sign.... I think by Phreezone.

My shit to grab stuff like that is not on this computer, so if you weren't watching, you missed it.

I think that was Phree again with "DZ.com took over WFFC!"
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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WFFC 8 PM Tues...That's it for tonight... we're trying to make the streaming better every day. Let us know what you think.. we'll try to accommodate.... ideas are very welcome ! I liked the "sign comment"... yeah, that we me in the picture. Need to hold the sign closer next time... see ya tomorrow ... chango
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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OK......11:20am Florida time and I am wondering what is the dilio with the webcam.....my guy just called and was standing right in front of the camera and I couldn't see him :(.......Is it my computer or are others not up and running yet.....We MUST talk with these boys about there "late Rantoul nights" ;)

Can't wait to see today's activities!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Hey there, Chango and company here at WFFC. VERY SORRY.. our internet connection was down this AM (beyond our control), but it's back up... so we're streaming video and audio again... chango r
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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