
hello from a new poster

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I'm new to this forum. It's Friday with blue skies in Houston, but I'm stuck at work.

How is everyone else?

I can't get my boss to skydive, so I'm changing jobs. I told him I'm not going to sit in this office all day for 90K a year when I could sky dive every day and make 10K or 15K easy.

My wife said I need to find a woman that makes more money. I have lots of problems, but I have the answer to them all - skydiving.

I've heard that people take heroin to get off skydiving.

Words aren't real

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btw whats this poster you speak of? is it an 18X24 poster of boobies?

I think we should all chip in some money and start a fund to get JT some implants for himself, so that he can play with and stare at them all day long :ph34r:

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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btw whats this poster you speak of? is it an 18X24 poster of boobies?

I think we should all chip in some money and start a fund to get JT some implants for himself, so that he can play with and stare at them all day long :ph34r:

LOL Ive always said I want implants...I would keep em in my pocket, and a smil ein my face HAHAHAH!
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hey now thats a sweet idea! speaking of motor cycles....anyone ever seen that harley shirt that say on the back..."If you can read this my bitch fell off" :D that has to be the funniest thing i haver seen

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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1st time i saw it I was at myrtle beach and a friends buddy was riding around all day with his "bitch"
at the end of the day I saw him without her and that was the shirt he was weasring as he p[assed us I doubled over laughing
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i have a buddy who is kinda overweight...not really actually but we harras him anyway.....well one day someone asked him why he was sooo fat and his response was "cause after everytime i nail your mom she makes me a sandwich" I almost wet myself i was laughing so hard :D

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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This is some real crack up material. I don't know why the girls arent' joining in though.

One of the trainers at my drop zone was teaching me to pack and she got to stuffing in the pilot chute and said, "I like it all the way in."

Then she jiggled the loose hackey and said, "this is a limp hackey, I like mine hard."

"If it is like this I will fu... with it all the way up in the plane, until it gets hard."

I thought, now this girl is an expert. I don't think biker old ladies are as good as some of these drop zone girls. Plus you don't have those long lines.

Words aren't real

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