tbrown 26
Sounds just like Boeing. There's always one in every group there who thinks that whatever it is you've got to say is "so unfair". It never fails either, it's always the biggest fuckoff in the bunch, makes you wish you could just shoot them and drive on... I guess life is full of just enough people like that, the trick is not to let them get you down.
Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !
Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !
"Of course the truth is that the congresspersons are too busy raising campaign money to read the laws they pass. The laws are written by staff tax nerds who can put pretty much any wording they want in there. I bet that if you actually read the entire vastness of the U.S. Tax Code, you'd find at least one sex scene ("'Yes, yes, YES!' moaned Vanessa as Lance, his taut body moist with moisture, again and again depreciated her adjusted gross rate of annualized fiscal debenture"). "
"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
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