
It's ONNNNNN!!!!

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Yep! Didn't believe it until I had plane tickets in hand! 72 hours from now I will be sitting in Augusta, Georgia, a beer in my hand, and my feet firmly planted on the ground!

I will activate my cell phone for the 10 day trip home so DD'ing will definitely be in effect!

I expect to be drinking wine with Lisa this weekend and hopefully partying up in Raeford next weekend! I'm sure I'll be barely alive by the time they're through with me!:D I can take it!!!


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That is just:


I better get a call from you little girl.

Make sure you give Lisa some Blue Stuff!! ;)

Have A Safe Flight. Too Bad you have to land on the plane. ;)


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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I KNOW you have my number! You were the last person that called me (drunk in the middle of a bar in YBOR City) the night before I flew! :D Made me all emotional!:$

I plan on getting a jump or two in (hopefully) while I'm in Raeford!B|

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WAHOOOOO...I so need company this weekend. This is WONDERFUL. Anyone else up for a fun time in GA this weekend. I still can't jump, but oh well we can still play. The pool is clean and beer fridge stocked. Life is good for this weekend.

Hugs Baby girl :)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Let's just stay away from the blue stuff this weekend, ok?;) Kramer already offered to send some over!:D

Tom... is it hot tub season or sheck-e-doo-dah house of sin season?:ph34r: What if Chuckie and I decide to just spend quiet nights together? Ok, don't laugh, it just might happen!:P

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Well My Dear it just goes to show you that no matter what I am doing I always remember my good Pals.

Especially those of us who serve!

I just cannot wait to jump with ya again.

Have A Safe Flight!


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Eeeeehawwwww! Just remember, though -- keep your pinkie out when you're sipping wine, but not beer -- wouldn't want all those Georgia locals to think you're uncouth, now, wouldja?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Eeeeehawwwww! Just remember, though -- keep your pinkie out when you're sipping wine, but not beer -- wouldn't want all those Georgia locals to think you're uncouth, now, wouldja?


Wendy you're full of useful advice today! I am loving you!:)
Tom - bury the stump liquor... I think it would KILL me at this tolerance level!B|

Kramer - good lookin' out! I'll be back in your neck of the woods soon!B|

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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So close, yet so far.....

I can't make it this weekend, girlfriend, but you know I'll schedule a trip up there to see you when you come back for good! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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THat is so cool. I'm so happy for everybody involved.

Hey Katie? Give Lisa a kiss like in Eloy for me, huh?


Quite time with SkymonkeyOne. Oh, that hurt coming out my nose.

"Quiet time with SkymonkeyOne" You actually typed that.


Quiet time with SkymonkeyOne. I just can't get enough of that......:P

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