
rantoul report

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Miss me? ;)

We are not sucking in Rantoul. I know I'm ignoring my cell voice mail; Sprint service is spotty here and as much as I love you all (like in prison baby) it's too frustrating to try to talk to anyone.

Off to buy the beer soon for my FIRST BirdMan jump this morning (on my very own GTI, no less B|) with phree and VectorBoy. Second one was with GroundZero - and we docked! :)
Life is good. You should be here.

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Miss me? ;)

We are not sucking in Rantoul. I know I'm ignoring my cell voice mail; Sprint service is spotty here and as much as I love you all (like in prison baby) it's too frustrating to try to talk to anyone.

Off to buy the beer soon for my FIRST BirdMan jump this morning (on my very own GTI, no less B|) with phree and VectorBoy. Second one was with GroundZero - and we docked! :)
Life is good. You should be here.

dude you already got a suit? Rock on! Flock with you at eloy?


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2 days! 2 days! ill be there wed.night.im kinda nervous as this is my first wffc.im worried about the traffic but im sure ill be ok once i get out of the plane.think i might go do a couple of jumps with djan they are taking smaller loads for lower numbered jumpers.im thinking.smaller load turbine airplane smaller load turbine plane.oh yes and i bought a bi plane jump too so that ought to be cool.***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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Rantoul Rocks!


we are not sucking, internet cafe is good, skydiving is great, parties kick ass and seeing everyone here is the best time in the world.

get here now.

gots to go, rig is packed...

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Rantoul rocks... First DC-3 jump, first bird-man. Did 3 BM jumps, one with wingie. 3rd was a six-man flock with SkymonkeyOne, LouDiamond, VectorBoy,Phreezone, and BillVon.

Rantoul Rocks! Quincy Sucks!

back to work...

ALso, I'm gonna start calling HH snufalufagus.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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