
What the hell happened to me....

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So there I was.... I got contacted by a magazine and the wanted some before pictures because they were considering doing a profile on me (gastric bypass surgery). I only had my DL picture. I called my ex-wife and she had a few from a xmas party. she sent them to me and to say I was floored would be an understatement. I had never seen myself like this nor do I remember looking like this. There was a lot of regret that I didn't take care of myself soon. Well it was what it was. Talk about wingloading...geeeezzzz.

Well Blue skies now and good times.

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I would be the guy on the left. The guy on the right is our very own DiabloPilot JP. This was at Elsonore several months ago. Here's a bigger photo.

Wow! You look great!B|
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Ive said it b4, Ill say it again.... congrats;) Youd never know you had lweighed so much by looking at him.

BTW- did you know they made justin timberlake out of the extra weight you lost. youve unleashed hell on earth! LOL:P
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You have every right to be gleaming with pride man, you look fantastic!!! Congrats on taking that scary but important step... I bet you're loving life in a whole new way now... man, that's fantastic.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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dude, that so rocks!!! way to go!

I once dated (and am still friends with) a gal that had lost something like 140lbs! I know how hard I've hard to work to lose a measly 40 pounds, so I have the utmost respect and admiration for people who have lost massive amounts of weight like that!

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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Dude, outstanding. I myself used to weigh 245 and then went down to 165 in about 4 months, which was way too skinny. (did it by working 80 hours/week plus school. I don't recommend tha to anyone).

Unlike you, I didnt keep it all off, though. I am up to 200.[:/]

Congrats! You look great. B|

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I used to be a fatass myself and it took something like a year and a half to lose 45 lbs. It's a lot harder to lose it than it is to put it on. I'm actually trying to gain some back now, but as muscle instead of flab. I'm getting there, though it's a slow and arduous process, especially given my disposition to pudge and my love of food. In a weird way, I'm more happy with my physical condition becuase it takes so much effort.

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HOLYSHIT!!!!!!:o:o:o Ed....dude!! i had NO clue you had a weight problem!!! thats fucking amazing man!!! wow!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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