
I'm getting a rabbit

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I had a friend in Tidewater whose bunny chewed through the power cord for the refrigerator.

Can you say ZZZAAAPP!! ??? :D


Word...during survival training...it was one of the best meals I ever had..considering we had to off it and skin it ourselves..

Heh Heh heh....The wonders of modern appliances...Takes all the work out, but the fun too.

J/k - Check out Sparky though - he looks like the old rabbit from Watership Down
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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They slow down a little when you hit em' w/ a shovel

My wife's cousin had a rabbit that some friends accidently dropped and the rabbit got cut on the head. It took a $60+ vet bill to get the rabbit fixed up...... (edit, while the cousin was not home)

They were raising it to eat!!!!!!!:P;).. Man what an expensive dinner:S

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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i raised rabits for 11 years as a project for 4-H. i raised californians, new zelands, holand lops, and english lops, with a drawf and angora in there too. most rabits i ever had at once was like 10. they can be a lot of work but then again are pretty easy to take care of. one of the down sides i was looking at was "honey" was born in 97', rabits generaly don't live much longer than 6-7 years before they croak. well atlest non of ours ever did, mabye 8 tops. there is a specfic way to carry them that will get you scratch free and also how to hold them when you cut thier toenails. domestic rabits should be fed rabbit pellets and not normal "greens" you thing they would eat. an ocasionl treat is okay though. if you have them in a wire bottomed cage a board for hem to sit on will be good to kep them from getting a condition called sore hocks. if ya have any other questions feel free to pm or call me. have fun with your rabbit if ya get one, they are cool animals. and "the bigger the breed the slower more gentler they are" aplies to rabits too... the minilop shoild get to around 10 pounds or so and is a very good breed as a pet. the dwarf hoto is a very hyper active breed and will be just like a little chiuau.....

p.s. at first when i saw the subject i was gona ask you if you got a good deal on it and if it had the rotating beads in it or not... but that's the wrong kind of rabitt.....

p.p.s. i vote for zanzibar......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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rabitts are actually very good for you. they have no dark meat, very little fat (less than chciken) nd guess what.... they tase almost just like chcken!!!...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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p.s. at first when i saw the subject i was gona ask you if you got a good deal on it and if it had the rotating beads in it or not... but that's the wrong kind of rabitt.....

Good thing God kills kittens and not rabbits!
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I found a bunny a couple weeks ago! Came home from work and there he was plopped in my carport, lke he was waiting for a bus or something. I gave him a carrot. Then I petted him, then I broke down, put him in a box and brought him upstairs into the house. Then I petted him some more. Then the next day bought him a cage, built it, put him in there. Then the Rottie discovered the bunny and wanted to play. After 2 days of Rottie watching the bunny for hours upon end, I gave him to the adoption shelter here in Hawaii. Unfortunately he didn't pass the health exam (some kind of bunny disease)...

He was sooo cute, and soft, and sweet. I like bunnies, they remind me not to take anything too seriously. Now I think I might want another one someday.


Is a chicken omelette redundant?

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Oh, doubting Vint that I am. The maggoty bunny did indeed go off to the vet for antibiotics, a shave and further de-maggotting. Why is it I can only think of how many jump tickets this is gonna cost me? >:( I could use the maggots for fishing, if I were a fisherman...

. . . . .
"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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