
Who's the bad kitty?

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you mean you are suppose to feed cats?!?!?! I thought they just fended for themselves.

Ok the whole story is, besides the fact that he is a freak....remember last winter with the whole throw the cat in the snow fun. Well I threw him in the snow and after a moment of shock, he thought snow was a tasty treat. Now you can't get near the fridge without him freaking out wanting ice cubes. Even when he has a full bowl of ice cubes he wants more. I'm guessing he was trying to figure out how to by pass the middle man and get the ice cubes himself.
Fly it like you stole it!

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Lordy Kelli! He is a complete freak. :o

When my dog was a puppy, she loved eating ice, too. I don't give her ice anymore because I don't want her chipping a tooth. She adores cold fruit, though.

Maybe your fat cat is warm? My dog is a winter dog, and she takes a dip in the pool at her will. Her first dip is usually first thing in the morning...very cute, but weird. :S

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I lucked out, he's not one of the super flat faced kind, so he doesn't seem to have all those issues likes TequilaGirl's does. She has to put crap in their eyes and stuff. No he just has freak cat behavioral issues...oh and he hates Derek. Have you ever seen a cat and a man try to one up eachother, not pretty.

Oh and for who ever said call the humane society....Fox has PETA in speed dial, because we are so cruel and kick her off the bed at night. :P

See I'm a cruel evil mom.
Fly it like you stole it!

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I lucked out, he's not one of the super flat faced kind, so he doesn't seem to have all those issues

The cat she had was actually downright disgusting, especially when it ate. I believe they were bred that way for whatever reason.

The Dude Abides.

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Hi Ed! The cat sounds scary. It's like the one from "Meet the Parents"...with Focker.
Hey Rosa :)
It was many years ago, I swear it was the cat from hell. It had kittens and for whatever reason she decided to hide all her kittens in my sock drawer, after they all died B|(dont know why they died) but they all disapeared for 2 days, then I found em.

The Dude Abides.

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Would you boil up that tortellini on the middle shelf and throw in some pesto? :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Would you boil up that tortellini on the middle shelf and throw in some pesto? :P

Just for you baby....do you need a pic of some wine too?

That's EXACTLY what I had for dinner:)
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