
Who's the bad kitty?

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Its not that the kitty has hot issues there, its just that kitty remembers Texas. Now kitty kitty wants everything cold. Including kitty environment. Well, so its in the fridge - get a kitty door, is my solution.

Doesnt like hooknswoop? Why does that not surprise me at all? He needs to stop thinking evil thoughts.

Flat Face? Oh... I thought it was just you shut the door on the poor thing.


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Is that one of them flat faced whatcha callit cats? My ex had one, the poor thing had an awful lot of trouble eating.

Like this one? We have two dogs, two cats, two indoor rabbits, and a bird (our other bird died last month), and everyone has something wierd about them, but Lilli (our stray persian, pictured in the attachment with our boxer, Ally) takes the cake. For starters, she has such an underbite that she can't completely close her mouth and her tongue is always sticking out a little. And yes, she has trouble eating as a result. We have to smash all her food, as she can't even eat small chunks. She's also deaf...because of a haircut!

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Kelly, you wont believe this. (but, maybe you will knowing me)

After my coffee and post this am, I remembered about the Levin cat who started to have her first litter last night, rudely during Star Trek and beside me on the couch. I think there was a commercial.

It was her first litter. So her knowing zip, nada, nothing was an under statement. Especially with some 6 dogs looking on, not the optimal spot. Skeet of course was oblivious and the other 5 make up about one leg before the hip on Skeet, but still.

So- I take her to the birthing room. (master bath) I stick her there and explained it is not a tummy ache. I put sterile stuff all around and since I have done this before, thats about all I need to do. So, I am back on the couch watching Alfred Hitchcock by this time. Three commercials/kittys later, it seems to be ok. I cleaned them all up for her and she is not sure what the heck they are. But they shut up when they get to a nipple. (must be male)

So again after my morning post, I go check it out. I can not find the kittys. I look around and around. I look in the jacuzzi bath, nothing. Shower, nothing... I can not find the damn things any where.

Finally I did.... :o
They were in the litter box. Stop bugging your eyes out, I said litter box.
So anyway - I have bug eyes at this point and OMG no, no, this can not be.

I have just come back from explaining the whole thing to her and put them in a cardboard box. Jiminey Crickets!

(ps- kitty litter was clean) Should I now go looking for poop? There is a glass door that leads out to the atrium so. BUT this is the same kitty kitty who fell in the pool 3x. (she gets out fine) I am starting to get the idea that she is not quite bright.


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I bought a new computer and he gets a mommy cut.

...how bout a "Lion cut" ??? >:(


Great Pix!!


He normally gets a lion cut, but due to the fact he is a fighter and the vet has to put him under to do it, it ends up costing me $100. And since I can't afford that, he is getting a mommy cut, which leaves for much more interesting pictures.

BTW....my apt is cold, any colder and I'd have to wear a sweater. [:/] My cat is just a freak, and likes it really really cold.
Fly it like you stole it!

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