
Are you a potty mouth?

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Cussing isn't against the rules, but I can't believe you guys are wasting HH's bandwidth like this. Remember, just because he lets you in his house, it doesn't mean you can just trash the place.

***Lippy goes and stands in the corner.."I'll be good"
I got nuthin

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First, I notice that "cunt" isn't censored anymore.

Now back to the topic: It depends on who I'm around. When I'm with my degenerate friends, I swear all the time. Around customers, employers, and grandmothers, never. Immediate family, occasionally and mildly (damn, crap, etc.).

In social situations, it depends entirely on who I'm with. If I've met you before, I might swear occasionally. I already mentioned that I swear all of the time around good friends. If I have never met you before, I will not swear in your presence, period. It isn't a conscious decision, it's just the way it comes out.

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The thread question was fine enough, but then it just turned into a string of post whoring the word "fuck". What's the point of that? Just writing "fuck, shit, ass..." for no apparent reason, isn't very funny. I didn't threaten to lock the thread, I just reminded them of how expensive the site is to run. It's up to their own discretion as to whether they should continue it or not.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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The thread question was fine enough, but then it just turned into a string of post whoring the word "fuck". What's the point of that? Just writing "fuck, shit, ass..." for no apparent reason, isn't very funny. I didn't threaten to lock the thread, I just reminded them of how expensive the site is to run. It's up to their own discretion as to whether they should continue it or not.

You are absolutely right, I think we lost control, we rascals needed a wrist-slap. :)
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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got here late... i'd say i am...... even got this great shirt to go along with it... it's difrent ways to use the f word.... i think my fav. is the one for dismay---"oh f*ck me"........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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cocksucking assclown

i'm choking on my fucking bread stick that is the funniest word pairing i've seen in a hot minute you cock burglarin cum bubblin fuckstick

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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cocksucking assclown

i'm choking on my fucking bread stick that is the funniest word pairing i've seen in a hot minute you cock burglarin cum bubblin fuckstick

I've always liked:

Bastard Nuts
Dick Legs
Shit Guitar
Face Ass
Dump Nuts
Queer Dick
Piss Hand
Ass Nostrils
Shit Dick
Lego Tits
Turbo Ass
Dick Fuck
Fuck Dick
Shit Neck
Ass Shit
Ass Balls
Crap Face
Laser Fuck
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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*Suz clears her throat*

Urgh...I'm entering, wearing a stack hat, a mouth guard, and pepper spray, just incase.

Thought I'd put my two cents worth in, because this is such a treasured thread and all, you know?

I was just thinking that you guys must be really
"firetrucking" bored to continue such a thread as this, but then I sit and think, hey! I just sat here and read the whole thing.:$;)

Skymama...I'd just like to say that I've had a really terrible last couple of days and although I see your point regarding wasting space, etc. But they all made me laugh, and I really needed that to "pick me up". Sorry I encouraged them:$:(

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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God Dammit CrazyIvan you fuckin' took the piss ass shit faced, ass munching, cunt licking, bitch slapping, rat bastard mother fucking words right out of my mouth. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

x's and o's,

Hol :)

damn Holly its amazing the stupid shit that can make a person cry...

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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