Sodomy is legal...

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In reference to American Beauty:

....lots of interesting subtext etc in that movie...

I agree!

This is why I believe this is the best movie I have ever seen, or will see ever, hands down.

My wife, on the other hand, thinks it was moronically stupid. (She's not exactly what you would refer to as a 'thinker'.)

ok, back to the trolls
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Sue 00 i know we have not met, yet i must say that it is a joy to find someone as open to consciousness expanding experiences as you are. I find the thrill of being airborn a metaphor for the liberating experience of interpersonal/intergender experimentations of expressed intimacy. Perhaps this is a backdoor way of introducing myself, proclivities and activities, but allow me to say that I am impressed. Hope to hear more from you,

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has better things to do and bigger fish to fry

Sodomy is pretty much anything that a southern baptist would deem immoral. That includes fellatio as well as fudge packing (as dove so eloquently put it).

Seems our chuteless friend, as well as all the others who spend so much time opposing things that are none of their business, would do well to get sodomized occasionally. Nice tension reliever, and a good distraction from less important things, too. :)

Brian, worry notB| A lot of our southern baptist friends preach the doom of the world and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (that must have been a pretty fun place by the way) but do not neglect to abuse children behind the barn after Sunday sermon.

After all their Daddies are their Uncles:)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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You sound like a God fearing man. Nice too meet you... Now personally I don't care what two consentual adults do to each other. I think this could make the bible belt a much raunchier place to live.

Next think, well be seeing a new line of Jesus Lover's hanging out in mini dresses after church (even if there men) tryna seduce ye.

Now that's gonna rock!!!!


Hope you don't get Banned!

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The Supreme? court has just sold out the American public to the queer life format


I can't help but be amazed that some people focus so much on the homosexual aspect of sodomy when it is so insignificant to the definition as a whole.

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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So... I'm back from the American Boogie.. had a great time.. I think there was some sodomy going on there.. most likely the hetero type if it matters.. anyway, although I didn't see Saddam, Sebazz has moved up my list and without shaving for 3 days, I'm feeling kinda nastyyyy... what are you up to big boy..? ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Strange that you should think that sodomy would be the #1 reason why God would choose to destroy America.

There may be other compelling reasons for refraining from taking the dirt road home - just do a search on Google for Kaposi's Sarcoma or HHV8 (KHSV) :(

Bum's the word!

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