
On or Off The Wagon??

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Omgoooooooooodnesssssssssssssss, I would so bring you on my wagon sadsue...or just your bow hon!!!!!!!

How many condoms should i bring tho?

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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I'm even considering going on the wagon.

Does anyone know what the wagon is like?

Been on the wagon 4 1/2 years. For me, lifes never been better.

The Dude Abides.

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congrats on your sober time in a 12 step program and am coming up on 11 years.im going to rantoul just dont know what to do with myself at night.im going to look for program people there.blues***if you are going to be stupid you better be tough

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There is EXACTLY 1 guy that buys a case of Coka-Cola at my D.Z.
I always buy a Pa. Local beer "Yuengling Lager" Oldest U.S. brewery. (All are happy):)

I think you may be missing the point Grant :)

You are CORRECT!:)when re-reading my $.02, I really didn't finish the story...
-----I actually appreciate the Soda that is brought more than the beer. I have found that several people (3 other guys) & I, only have beer at the DZ (not at home or "out at dinner").
"all are happy" really means: hey! >I'm< off the beer list (Yuenling: a beer that's not a "heavy/ hangover brew)& there is soda available for me too!;) I don't do well after the 3 beer point[:/]
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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If you need to consider stopping drinking there is a BIG chance you have a problem. Get into a 12 step program. Changed my life for the better 100%.
More fun, money and dont need to worry about what i did last night.

Life is great on the wagon.

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If you need to consider stopping drinking there is a BIG chance you have a problem. Get into a 12 step program. Changed my life for the better 100%.
More fun, money and dont need to worry about what i did last night.

Life is great on the wagon.

As far as "myself", I can't stomach alchohol the way most other can. I have a high stress career and peptic ulcer (too much caffine hurts also)
Those that shoot arrows at the "wagon" are just refusing the only ride they need (the Irish side of my family seem to job bside the wagon with one hand to keep the drink in the other hand.:(
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I don't drink all the time... but having said that when I do... I can be very Irish about it.

Me too. As they say, God created alcohol so the Irish wouldn't conquer the world. I don't drink all the time either, but can never drink just one. If I have to struggle that hard to keep it under control, it's just not worth it, that and feeling like shit in the morning after not sleeping well all night.

The wagon can be rough and bumpy when you're just climbing on. Some people on the wagon are jerks, just like people anywhere else (hell, there are even jerks at drop zones). But the wagon does play music, people dance, and even have great sex. Besides, it's kind of amusing to be the non-drinker in a crowd that's getting sloshed, it's amazing to watch all your friends get so stupid so fast.

You will still have your wonderful kinky imagination, it doesn't need a drink.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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What wagon? I think I missed it. I went out drinkin last night. :D Seriously.....I learned a great trick as I got older. Drink a couple glasses of water throughout the night. Then have one before bed. 90% of a hangover is just dehydration. Take care of that problem and a little aspirin is the most you'll need.

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I don't think I need a 12 step programme honestly.

I can usual handle my beer ok but nowadays I get sloshed much faster. Hard liquor makes me crazy, so I'm steering clear of it.... the weirdest thing is I'm losing my taste for beer. And I can do without the hangovers. I have a date set to give up the fags again too. :S OMG Im getting OLD!!!

Hope you don't get Banned!

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I don't think I need a 12 step programme honestly.

Entirely possible. I just looked at it this way: drinking is supposed to increase my fun. If it doesn't, then why exactly should I spend the money on it?

And if it didn't and I kept drinking anyway, or if life were only fun when I was drinking, well, that might be a sign it was a problem. Never was that way for me, I just sorta mostly quit doing it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Well , there is always the agruement that the first part of solving an addiction, is realising that you have one. I have questioned myself on several occasions, Am I in denial?

I think I know myself pretty well and I dont't think I am. But I also think I'm a smart, fairly sensable and I do know right from wrong. However I cannot spell and I could in fact be delusional. :)

Hope you don't get Banned!

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A year from last Mach, I made a committment to have an alcohol free year and I made it for thirteen months. This past April, I was a birthday party and a slammed a brewski. I sill drink but usually in moderation. So I'm off the wagon, but I can walk straight.

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A year from last Mach, I made a committment to have an alcohol free year and I made it for thirteen months. This past April, I was a birthday party and a slammed a brewski. I sill drink but usually in moderation. So I'm off the wagon, but I can walk straight.

This morning when I got up I made a comittment to have an alcohol free day :-)
I did that yesterday and the day before each day goin back almost 8 years.
Thats how its done. One day at a time.
Anyone can stop for one single day B|

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Hey,just put other things in your hands(not gonna say what I really want here(lol)).I worked wood(real wood projects) to get started in quitting the booze.It worked.

I don't know about you Sue, but i work wood sober or drunk ;). Better find a different hobby if your going on the wagon.:S

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I don't think I need a 12 step programme honestly.

I don't either, so far anyway. It's just that I've noticed it runs in a cycle where I can handle it better and then no so well, and finally get so fucked up that my best friends say something about it. And it's always somewhere in that range, something that I have to work at controlling. It's too much effort...and for what ?

Naturally you are your own person and our two circumstances may be quite different, probably are. But there is new evidence that alcohol gets harder on the body as we age, where a few drinks will slam us as badly as several drinks when we were younger. And unfair as it is, nature has made the aging effects of alcohol even more severe for women.

I just think it's good that we all ask ourselves some private and honest questions about alcohol. Good luck.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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