
Surprised it hasn't come up here...

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I did a search (maybe my search parameters were bad...) and found no reference to the jet that Perris are getting soon. Jack Gramley and Melanie Conatser (sp?) were at the BPA AGM and said that Perris have bought a DC9 (I think) - it arrives soon and should be ready to fly jumpers by the end of the year.
That and the wind tunnel should make Perris a pretty strong contender when choosing a DZ..... :)
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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Oh, it -has- been brought up a couple of times.

I wouldn't make any vacation plans based on either the new Perris wind tunnel or DC-9 yet, but they're almost definately going to happen at some point here in the future. I'd say -definately-, but you never know, -something- wacky may happen that would force a change of plans.

As far as opening dates goes, stay tuned to dz.com and you'll probably read it here first.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't know. Loder actually has -some- credibilty in covering his beat, but he's -way- older than I am, so maybe I should be at least a -little- pissed.

He's definately up there on the cool-guy chart as far as I'm concerned. Anyone that was an editor for Rolling Stone . . . ya know, that's just cool.

Loder's bio HERE.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I did a search (maybe my search parameters were bad...) and found no reference to the jet that Perris are getting soon. Jack Gramley and Melanie Conatser (sp?) were at the BPA AGM and said that Perris have bought a DC9 (I think) - it arrives soon and should be ready to fly jumpers by the end of the year.


Actually, the plans for the DC-9 to arrive may have moved up a bit. For those sceptics, I will be posting photos of it on the www.PerrisCam.com web site once it arrives and will make an annoucement on DZ.com. Best guess is before the end of February, maybe as early at next week. However, it will be several months before it is used for skydiving. Lots of work to do to make it skydiver friendly. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me directly.

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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Jack --

We have all the faith and hope in the world that Perris can pull this off.

However, I've been around long enough to know that sometimes a company's dreams don't quite match up with real-world issues or schedules. For instance, the Rantoul DC-9 insurance fiasco. So, I almost never speak in absolutes when it comes to company plans -- they just have a tendancy to kind drift every now and then.

It's going to be really fun watching you guys jump through hoops to do this -- for US. :)

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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As a flight attendant I really hated DC 9s but as a skydiver I'll be more than happy to pop the back stairs and jump out of one.

See you in May for the next DZ.com event of the year.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Actually, the plans for the DC-9 to arrive may have moved up a bit. For those sceptics, I will be posting photos of it on the www.PerrisCam.com web site once it arrives and will make an annoucement on DZ.com. Best guess is before the end of February, maybe as early at next week. However, it will be several months before it is used for skydiving. Lots of work to do to make it skydiver friendly. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me directly.

Sooooo, you are going to send that thing out here to our midwestern cornfields during the wffc for us to play with, right??????:)

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I did a search (maybe my search parameters were bad...) and found no reference to the jet that Perris are getting soon. Jack Gramley and Melanie Conatser (sp?) were at the BPA AGM and said that Perris have bought a DC9 (I think) - it arrives soon and should be ready to fly jumpers by the end of the year.


Actually, the plans for the DC-9 to arrive may have moved up a bit. For those sceptics, I will be posting photos of it on the www.PerrisCam.com web site once it arrives and will make an annoucement on DZ.com. Best guess is before the end of February, maybe as early at next week. However, it will be several months before it is used for skydiving. Lots of work to do to make it skydiver friendly. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me directly.

Hmmmmm, was thinking, as is usual around the WFFC time....

Any updates on the Perris jet?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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