
drunk call list.....

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wow i got one last night about 11:30 pm mountain time from a couple in chigago...... now what were thier names again......... something faller and something juice.......... bunch a crazy kids.. calling a guy that had to be at work in the morning..... wooo hoooo i guess i owe beer.. first time i ever talked to someone on the phone from dz.com that i hadn't atleast "talked to" alot online.......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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wow i got one last night about 11:30 pm mountain time from a couple in chigago...... now what were thier names again......... something faller and something juice..........

He called me yesterday afternoon just to fuck with me. What is this "is peppermint there?" shit anyway!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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It was 9:30 my time so get over it sweetie.:)
I just got in and had a blast. I'll give details tomorrow after I come down off my high. What a great guy. Why are all the good ones married??? I even got to play with a huge demo main.....OMG that thing is big and has an American Flag underneath. It rocks! ABQ hope you enjoy tomorrow at 3, and I really hope to heck it opens cause I've never flat packed before.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Wow, didn't mean to strike a nerve

Yikes. You didn't strike a nerve. I thought asking if peppermint was there was hilarious!! Please don't think it bothered me. I'll go delete my post.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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OK just PM'd Kris with my number, if any of you reprebate feel like talking to an Aussie, try your luck with me:D But remembe the time difference Perth Western Australia is +8:00hrs of GMT

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But remembe the time difference Perth Western Australia is +8:00hrs of GMT

You think we care what time it is when we call? It's so much more fun to wake people up, bother them at work, etc. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Kris had a pretty expensive weekend. Try calling him now to find out about it.

NO, you all leave kris alone. He's IMing with me and i require his full attention damnit!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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