
Police shooting in Louisana

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WOW... what a thread... I can't wait till ya'll actually meet each other face to face. Then what will you do?

No shit? I"m ZZZZZ... damn you write alot... wanna make a skydive?

Sure... :P

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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No I don't think there is an economic component, at least not in my expirience. I grew up in upper middle class white america and was hasseled quite a few times for no other reason then my skin color. Thats not to say I think all cops are like that but I treat any situation with the police like they would like nothing better then to shoot me

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quite the stretch there lad, to even imply that I would conduct myself in a plane the same way I would on a forum.....one is a bit....er....riskier than the other, for you to even imply that is to put your foot way deep in the cheap shot cesspool. But that's OK, I'll get over it.

There are cool people all over the world, not just here. We all know that...but there ARE certain pockets of the world that are a little bit rougher, depending on what you look like, what sex you are, whether you are straight or gay, etc. Most of my gay friends moved here to ESCAPE persecution that happned to them right here in the US of A....there are a lot ofpeople that are here exactly becasue they DO think a lot of other places are close minded... to compare me to a Nazi is a stretch in light of this! :-)

Anyway, the police shootings in SF, the point is that something was done about it......

Finally, have you ever been to CA? What does "it's STILL CA" mean, anyway? If you don't think there are OBVIOUS differences in culture, attititude and way of life between the No Cal and the So Cal then you also must think that Brazil and Iceland are exactly like each other as well. After all, to use YOUR logic, it's STILL the World, right? LOL!!!

Ok, flame back darling, Sue!!!

Hope you don't get Banned!

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WOW... what a thread... I can't wait till ya'll actually meet each other face to face. Then what will you do?

Sure... :P


I could jump with any of you anytime.....I will shoot first sadsue if she ever try to get on my same load, and ask questions later....for self defense...[:/]
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Awww juan...such actions as that are kinda brutal...were u one of the cops involved in the shooting:o Ignorance is common amongst people of your caliber however, simple minds, simple actions, simple results.

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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I could jump with any of you anytime.....I will shoot first sadsue if she ever try to get on my same load, and ask questions later....for self defense...


However this has nothing to do with skydiving, and how would you know it was her? ;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Oh god, I will include you in my daily prayers....No CAL and SO Cal are geographically, politically located in the same state, same country SAME CONTINENT....

Brazil, Iceland, if you care to look in the world map, (that little paper that has all the world drawn in it), are far away from each other, not in the same.....As far as each place, I have been in all of them personally, and not based on readings, or lectures, I was actually there going places getting to know people....

SO please when you do comparisons, make sure they are within the same point of reference....Your blindness Is actually comparable to NAZIS, for they also thought they were superiors, the same way you are portraying yourself to be. And as far as prosecution, if you think it has been rough in the US, perhaps is time, that your actions are where your mouth is, and travel abroad, to countries where there are people really, really suffering.....WHile you seat comfortably in your place in front of your pc taking blind statements as facts...

And no, I would not want to be anywhere near the air with someone as closed minded like you.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Post: Matbe she is having a legal dosis of Cannabis, and think that running away from the police in the middle of the night, with your gansta fashion wearing clothes, is the right thing to do.

Yeah you're right on every count, especially the fashion thing- gangsta clothes are SO passe! I would have worn a sleek catsuit with a matching handbag.

Hope you don't get Banned!

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Awww juan...such actions as that are kinda brutal...were u one of the cops involved in the shooting:o Ignorance is common amongst people of your caliber however, simple minds, simple actions, simple results.

I think that jumping with someone so closed minded is definitely a risk for me, and anyone on the same load....Imagine someone who believes is always right, pulling bellow a 10 way, and flying traffic patterns as they see fit...I see that EXTREMELY DANGEROUS,.....
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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To assume only makes an ass out of you and me. To say she thinks shes ALWAYS right...is a bit far fetched. Rather than casting condescending remarks or speaking like you KNOW her, take some time....and get to know her. To make someone understand your point of view, you don't insult or throw a line here and there, you use facts. Ridiculing and striving your hardest to make someone look like an ass is a sign of weakness. My guess is since ur willing to jump out of a plane time after time, ur not weak. I could be wrong however. Just don't speak like ya know someone unless ya do.

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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I could jump with any of you anytime.....I will shoot first sadsue if she ever try to get on my same load, and ask questions later....for self defense...

Be careful lad, seeing as I'm not black they might actually press charges against you for shooting me!

Kidding. lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo

oh well, it was fun while it lasted, and very informative too. Opinions are a great way to get to know people! Don't you think?

Hope you don't get Banned!

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don't worry, I'm ALREADY in that country...it's called NORTHERN CALIFORNIA....the only TRUE expression of what America is really about....the only place in the US that REALLY lives up to the glorious ideals provided in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution....**Louisiana** can go fuck itself.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!California, the home of Justice & the seat of Wisdom. where the Police told me that I had to "make a Citizens arrest, we don't want to get invovled" after a man on Heroine assaulted 4 people at a community pool pool a broke his 4 year old son's arm in the door of his Apt. when he tried to get away from him. They then told me "Ya, this isn't the 1st time for him".
Gosh, has a different meaning there.
well, back to the vineyards to evade reality:)>>>>>>No matter where you go: every PERSON has their OWN idea of what justice is & no 2 are the same[:/]
People that say/post self righteous or mean things are people not happy inside themselves(Or just pissed at people with dumb quotes);)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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OK, I'll concur.... HATE IS ALL WE NEED... Just ask any american indian, IF you can find one.


What a coincidence, I happen to be 1/2 Native American. I also think you live in a very sheltered world to think the way you do. To think it's not the same or worse in other countries is absurd. having traveled this world extensively , I can tell you that Americans have it better than anyone on the planet pretty much. I've been in countries where people like you and thinker would have been "disappeared" long ago. Your obviously not going to change your perogative and I doubt that you would even if presented with unrefutable evidence. Pull your head out of the sand and live in the real world.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I've read your posts up until now and you know... your whats known as a YES MAN. That means you go with the crowd. I havent responded to many of your posts for good reason, they make point that were brought up by other people. I DO NOT think I'm superior, I'm simply one of the few people that agrue the case from the other side, and I've had a lot to contend with. Anyone who made valid arguements, I concured too, not in a sarcastic manner. I am not behond correction and I am happy to step down when I'm proven wrong. If you read responses to the other people who have made arguements on here, you would have seen that.

That's all I have to say!

Your Hunny Bunny:$

Hope you don't get Banned!

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Now that I'm mellow, I'll just rant on your writing and not lefties in general, some of whom like Justin and Billvon and Wendy have good points from time to time.

It's all too easy....


But whoa...you rip on me for the "race" card, yt yo are playing the "not all Southernsare racist" card....

It's not a card - it's a fact. Deal with it.


OK, maybe not but the sad fact is that you see nowhere near the diversity of SF in a Southern town...

I'm racially insensitive and don't care.


just yesterday I had lunch with an Indian couple who told me how they were treated like zoo creatures in Durham and in Houston,,,thsi is the inevitable consequence of lack of diversity....people that are different are treated wierdly...

Who cares what race anyone is? Obviously you. A lack of diversity caused this reaction? I doubt it. I've been to Durham and Houston and seen Indians, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, and multiple other nationalities in both places. Where in Durham or Houston were they? With whom did they interact? Completely inconclusive.


gee, how did the the South get like this whereas it's not like that here? Hmmm..CLOSE MINDS....CLOSED VALUES....racism? The movie was called MISSISSIPPI Burning, NOT Seattle Burning...get real.

There you go with your stereotypes again. They don't work on me and are fabrications of your own mind based upon your prejudices and stereotypes. Yes it was called Mississipi Burning - and you left coasters can feel proud that Hugo Black and Robert Byrd were both KKK members from the same party as Pelosi, Feinstein, and Boxer. Without the KKK, the movie never would have been made.


You can rag on liberal bleeding hearts all you want

Count on it.


but he feact of the matter is THIS- even after the dot com crash, California remains, on its own the 5th largest economy in the world...and the heart of that economy exists NOT in Hollywood, but in San Francisco....

I had read seventh largest, but as it's the same order of magnitude don't really care. I'd wager LA has a far greater economic effect than San Francisco - their water and insurance fiascos alone have impacted the state more.


there is no reason to suck George Bush's economic cock when us liberals do a MUCH BETTER JOB with our economy here.

The looming deficit, distribution of tax burden, power problems, inane school textbook censorship, and ludicrous licensing fees ALONE should show that statement to be incorrect. Bush inherited an economy in recession. Deal with it.


It is a bad cliche that left wing people dive the economy into the ground when our economy kicks the rest of the US's ass, not to mention the world's ass as well, even in these troubled times.

Hmm...Carter...Clinton's recession....Davis' mess...bad cliche? I think not. Check out New Mexico and Florida's economies. Your assertion is untenable by any standard.


So bleeding heats? Yep...all those fringe kids you made fun of in high schol, they were nerdy, bookish and SMART ad they all made their way out here to create a cool world.

I was the fringe kid in high school - of sorts. T'was nice to have a full ride.


I'm not surprised that SF kicks such ass because THIS is what America is SUPPOSED to be about- diversity, tolerance, acceptance- that is why there is such solid financial strength and base here, and why a black guy can marry a white girl without dear of molotov cocktals being thrown thru the windows...or why a a Korea girl can marry a Japanese guy after 3000 years of racial infighting between them (I mean c'mon, even today in Japan 5th generation Korean Japanese still have to be fingerprinted, but out here they're getting it RIGHT), where Palestinian kids have Jewish babysitters and it's all cool.....so it'snot that I am issuing some sort of sweeping indictment og the South...but when you compare the REAL America to the candy ass hypocritical imitation in Lousiana then you know how far the rest of America has to go...

THe purpose of this rant other than to expose your fascination with race? Where exactly is Palestine? When was it formed? Who was its first leader? What are its geographical boundaries? LMFAO.

NEWSFLASH: America isn't about diversity (most of us don't care) nor is it about acceptance or any other nice feel-good topic. It's about freedom and equal rights for all.

Have you even been to Louisiana? If so for how long? How many people do you know from there? You have no factual basis on which to make that claim. Try again.


Out here we ADMIT we have work to do.....why can you not do the same without falling back on the refelx of the "insulted Southerner" who feels he isn't given credit for progress? Oh, that's why...because you're still shooting people in the back and the rest of the country backs you up.....cool.

Falling back on? No it's not falling back, it's stating a fact. Your prejudice is insulting. I've never shot anyone in the back either, FYI.

If you want to bring up the gunshooting anytime while describing the South, fine. Do it. But don't play the role of the ostrich when doing so. State all of the facts: Southern policemen shot a man who was driving drunk and took them on a wild chase through Louisiana highways then proceeded to not follow instructions after climbing out of his crashed automobile and flashing an object at them. I think this makes them racist because.......

There you go. Now complete the sentence and state your facts - ooops! You have none! Isn't that dandy?


To all of you who have schooled me...if I am ignorant of law enforcement techniques then I apologixe...but ultimately, if the world you create is a cool one then it shouldn;t come to what happened on that tape, let me not indict the conduct of those officers then, but the conduct of EVERY FUCKING CITIZEN of Lousiana who allows such a close minded world to exist where officers are forced to do that...if the guy had had an opportunity to go to college on a California style residency law then it wouldn't have happned, if there hadn';t been decades of racial gerrymandering where the guy grew up in a no hope slum....

Ohhhhhhh...what makes you think that guy ever deserved to go to college? Do you have his ACT/SAT scores? Do you know his academic merit?

A lefty talking about racial gerrymandering is just too funny to even start talking about. Learn your history and bask in thine own hypocrisy.

You have absolutely nothing but your own prejudice to blame for your unwarranted and untenable comments about the citizens of Louisiana. Try again with some facts.


OK, kill me now.

Argumentatively, I just did - again.


But we have the strong economy thru diversity out here...that IS what Americais suppose to be. Right? I'm Irish from Dublin, and I remember just gong thru the AIRPORT in Houston and hearing them freak out at my accent like I was some sort of freak.....closed mind alert, please take caution.

The economy is large and not that strong. Diversity has nothing to do with the strength of economy. America is about freedom and opportunity for all - not diversity (again: who other than some of you lefties cares?)

With regards to your accent, anyone who travels far enough from their home has an accent that will be noticed. Who cares?


Have a nice day


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Much to the surprise of many, I do NOT hate all lefties - I used to be one myself. The ones I have a problem with are those to use lies, deceptions, and in general rely on the ignorance of the masses in order to promulgate their vision/argument.

Liberalism in general does have some merit - especially at the local levels of government. Perhaps I'll post an Anvil Political philosophy sometime - nah. It'd bore the hell out of most people and I don't have time to write it.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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your whats known as a YES MAN

You obviously don't know me to well then. Any of the people who do know me here and IRL would tell you I'd tell you or anybody else what I thought to your face the same way I say it here. I don't do it because others do it, I say what most people will only think to themelves. I call them like I see them. I could give a fuck about what anybody else is doing or saying. So your blowing smoke out your ass once again thinking I'm a yes man.


If you read responses to the other people who have made arguements on here, you would have seen that.

I have read every post in this thread since it started and the only thing I see consistent with you is the fact that you seem to be the racist one who thinks anything perpetrated by a white person/police officer against anybody other than another white person is a case of racial prejudice. For someone so "Enlightened" you sure were quick to lump all southern people into one big pile calling them illiterate, and racist. If that isn't a blatent prejudice statement in your "enlightened" world let me tell you it sure as hell is in mine and everybody elses world, AKA THE REAL WORLD. Lets not forget this is coming from a minority, who has been to college and who has lived in the south and still thinks your talking out of your ass.

But lets not loose sight of the thread topic here as we have digressed into another topic all together. As has been stated by others and myself in previous posts. Please show us the facts that supports your claims. Like you, I too will concede to being mistaken if presented with logical facts that indicate that the incident was as you claim it to be. I look forward to hearing your reply.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Louey louey ohhhhhh baby let my people go UGH, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Don't spin me in your slanderous remarks against sadsue. YOu have no idea what im about (not asking you to take time. restassure) For you to say you think I would have dissapeared, i got news for you buddy...I don't give a damn where I am, i am a survivor. Im open to many cultures many OPINIONS just like everyone else. All you have here is a glimpse as to what someones like...for you to make an assumption like that is treading on territory where you don't belong. I come on the internet and this forum to have fun, to see what other people think. Not to change the world, or impress my opinions on other people. You got a big mouth for such a little man. You pull bull shit remarks out of the air, which mind you i do find quite comedic. Thats all i gotta say about that:ph34r:

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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Before I became a cop, I would have agreed that this was an unjustified shooting. Since becoming a cop and finding out how quick decisions on the street have to be made, I think this was a justified shooting. Race had nothing to do with it.

While I think I agree with you, I also feel a need to play devil's advocate. If the guy in this situation had been a clean-cut white man in his late 30's and had been wearing a decent business suit, do you think the police would have been so quick on the trigger? For some reason I kinda doubt it.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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While I think I agree with you, I also feel a need to play devil's advocate. If the guy in this situation had been a clean-cut white man in his late 30's and had been wearing a decent business suit, do you think the police would have been so quick on the trigger? For some reason I kinda doubt it.

Because cops don't mind being shot by white guys? They weren't reacting to his color, they were reacting to the gun pointed at them (they thought).

Sure, there are problems with racial bias and profiling in law enforcement, but it has nothing to do with this incident. Was race a factor in how Rodney King was treated? Probably. Does the color of someone who's pointing a gun at you change your reaction? No, either way you shoot them before they shoot you.

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