
Situations/circumstances that really make you uncomfortable

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This may have been covered before, but didn't find it in a search.

What situations and/or circumstances really make you uncomfortable that don't necessarily make most other people uncomfortable?

I have two:
1. Crowds! Can't stand to be in a crowd. I have to get out.
2. Feeling trapped physically. Always need an escape. This is why anywhere I go, I generally will bring my own car and not be a passenger.



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Crowds don't bother me as much as the vibe I get from the crowd can.

If I get a bad vibe from a crowd, place, etc I'm sort of on "high alert." I know that sounds stupid, but trusting my "spidey sense" has saved my butt a few times, by having a much quicker reaction time to something that could have turned very bad very quickly. If I hadn't trusted the vibe, then I wouldn't have been as ready to respond as I was. Make sense?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Same here- crowds, tight spaces I can't easily escape. I've got a pretty good case of claustrophobia- probably why I like this sport so much...

Also, people who invade my personal space when I'm not prepared for it.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Thoughts of getting snipped and/or castrated.


knives and nads - bad combo.

YEAH!!! And thoughts of circumsitions too!!!

Oooh! And getting kicked in the nadsB|
My other ride is the relative wind.

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1) Chicks or Old icky men hitting on me.
2) Any situation that could result in being in a horrible accident and living...and having to figure out how to kill myself with my tongue-joystick controlled wheelchair.
3) Public showers... I'm still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do at Couch Freaks.

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Watching unwelcome teasing or low-level harassment.

I hate it when somebody tries to communicate in jest what they don't have the guts to say outright. It drives me nuts to see somebody being made uncomfortable by somebody who knows they are being rude.

I'm obviously enough unbalanced that it rarely happens to me, but I hate watching it.

"Excuse me miss? Can I please kick this guy's ass?":ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::P:P:P

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Public showers... I'm still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do at Couch Freaks.


It doesn't bother me at all, but then again, I actually enjoy nudity, so I actually feel pretty relaxed in those situations.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I hate eating around other people when it's really quiet. I don't want them to hear me chew.

You gotta master breathing through your nose. Come to think of it, watching people who gasp and sweat while eating makes me pretty uncomfortable:P

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Your two examples pretty much nailed it on the head for me too. Can't stand large crowds or crowded elevators. At work I take 6 flights of stairs to avoid the elevator. Also, it's good excersise. When I drove my Honda CRX (two seater) I got very used to driving my self everywhere my friends and I were going. Now that I have a sedan I'd much rather be the driver...even if no one else is in my car.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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LOL! Nice to meet you! (The hug works better in person, so try that again when you visit Spaceland!)

In the meantime:

(((((((HUG!!))))))) :)

Hey Dave, I still haven't forgotten about the hug and beer you owe me for knowing the answers to your "Pop Quiz"...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I have two:
1. Crowds! Can't stand to be in a crowd. I have to get out.
2. Feeling trapped physically. Always need an escape. This is why anywhere I go, I generally will bring my own car and not be a passenger.

Damn, Chris. Are you sure you're not my long, lost caucasian twin?:|

I can't stand crowds. I get panicky at times depending on the situation. I can go to the mall if I'm usually with someone, but other than that, I'll order what I need off of Amazon or get it at the Wal-Mart when things are slow. But, I can walk onto the WFFC solo or the most crowded of DZ's and it isn't a problem. Go figure.

I drive everywhere. I may have ridden passenger maybe 8 times last year.[:/]
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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1) Chicks or Old icky men hitting on me.

I LIKE having chicks hit on me.I cant do anything about it cuz I'm married but I still like it :-)

Now Old icky men (or in fact any kind of men at all)
Bleahhhhuuuhhhrrr eEeEeEeEaaccchhh.
I dont like that too much...

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