
It's In the NEWSPAPERS today!!!!

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Damn...in that case before I got my operation....i woulda commited a crime. I mean, don't get me wrong, i do love the op....i "came out" just grande...(if you want my number pm me), but suing in prison......the nerve!!!!!! I prostituted for my payment.:ph34r:

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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What about her avatar captivates you the most? Is it her sparkling white set of teeth? Her deep, brown bulging eyes, or her soft skin? Me....its her hair. Mullet trimmed, bright orange, topped with a massive bow. MMMMMM:ph34r:

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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I was born and raised in a town where the State Prison is located. There was a coffee table book published there a few years back with glorious black and white photos of the various prisoners and their diverse sub-cultures within the walls. Some of these "male" prisoners comport themselves as if hotsy-totsy female cell-sluts with a marked propensity for servicing the sexual needs of every Dick, Ali, Fabrica, Orlon, Linoliumo, Hung Far Lo, and Zhiphur Talon's joint in the joint. Which then is preferable: to have overtly homosexual prisoners seducing our fine hetrosexual criminals into a life of sexual sin by oral persuasion and back door politics, or to allow men who feel as if they are women criminals to more closely resemble women criminals in mood and physical manifestation to the point where they are moved away from other "men" and placed with other women. Some may look askance at the petitioning prisoner's motives, assuming that this is a way for him to get busy with the booty instead of playing "Gargle Raul" in cell block nine. However, if he is truly a mental she, then the gender reassignment surgery would bring on even greater frustration -- while he is currently surrounded by objects of potential sexual desire (MEN), she will be surrounded by other women who, like her, long for sexual realtions with a adult member of the opposit gender. Were he motivated by desires for sexual activity with the opposit gender, he would (euphamistically) keep his mouth shut, and bend over backwards to stay buttressed within a fortress dripping with testosterone -- so for those of you who are punishment afficianados, those who dont see penitence as the object of penitentiaries, but rather degradation and humiliation motivated by irrational retribution, his request should fill you with sadistic glee -- not only will his body be under the knife, and his manhood excised, but he will be removed from surrounding in which his sexual desires could be fulfilled. Unless of course he desires to be a lesbian, at which time he will feel right at home.

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