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Yall are gonna love this. This time I was staying at a youth hostile right on the beach, you have to share a small, cramped room with 3 bunk beds with 5 other people. So when I checked in, I saw that the other 5 beds were occupied. When the others came in, I found out that not one of them were male.:)
Well, the down side of this whole trip was that I was planning on doing major amounts of surfing and making a giant leap forward, but that didnt happen because I was too busy hitting up on chicks, partying every night and having way too much of that SoCal type of fun on the boardwalk.

But I did do enough surfing to the point where Im now all battered up, sore to the point where its too hard to walk, left hip is all bruised and swelling up and left arm sliced all the way down to the elbow. No pain, no pleasure.[:/] Dont mind being back at work right now.

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I jumped out of a plane from 14,000 feet last weekend. On the plane was a girl, I even got to sit next to her. Will you come giggle with me in the corner about it?

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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I jumped out of a plane from 14,000 feet last weekend. On the plane was a girl, I even got to sit next to her. Will you come giggle with me in the corner about it?

Ohhh, well, now with that attitude all I can say is youve heard the introduction but not the sublime details. I was waiting for the interest before posting it, but Im not going to now.

Next time...be nice.

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Generally speaking it's less annnoying to tease a topic but rather just come out and say what it is you want to say.

For instance, I doubt Moses came down from the mountain and said anything like, "Wow, I got this really cool thing from somebody" and then waited for people to ask him "what?"
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I was going to comment, but I think I'll pass...


She was going to say that she is crazy about me and just worships the ground I walk on, and she's so frustrated that Ive been hitting on younger girls and not her.

Too bad sweetie, gotta wait in line like everyone else!

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Generally speaking it's less annnoying to tease a topic but rather just come out and say what it is you want to say.

For instance, I doubt Moses came down from the mountain and said anything like, "Wow, I got this really cool thing from somebody" and then waited for people to ask him "what?"

Well if there isnt any interest I dont want to post it. Besides, I hit up on so many chicks there I cant post everything about everyone of them without writing a book about it, so I have to know the parts everyone wants to hear.

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She was going to say that she is crazy about me and just worships the ground I walk on, and she's so frustrated that Ive been hitting on younger girls and not her.

Too bad sweetie, gotta wait in line like everyone else!


Yeah. That's it.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Dude, it's not about how many times you're at bat -- it's all about how many home runs you hit.

Uh, nooo, after one home run its all over with. Okay since you bought it up, I had the chance to get laid when this really young chick I was talking to came in the room to use the bathroom, I was lying on the bed talking to her, the others were sleeping, she was wasted and started talking kind of loud. Had to abort it, but close calls do count for something. Id get fussed at if we were screwing on the lower bunk, which was then unoccupied, and the others woke up. Gotta do things quietly man.

Its not that easy to get laid there, you have a lot of people around you, if you go out to the beach there are people watching you, no privacy at all. Just like being in a bunkhouse, only the one at Eloy made this place look like the Hilton! But I got to flirt around with a lot of young, good looking chicks, and it was about a shitload of fun. And I got to be an exibitionist which I like doing, stripping down in front of women, ect.

Then there was one chick, a little older though, I think around 28 who was all over me at PB after I put her on my board, and right in front of her date, who didnt seem to mind. Again, no where to go, dammit!

Better luck next time, which shoud be in about 3 weeks. There was a lot of chicks there, need to figure out how to deal with this privacy situation.

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She was going to say that she is crazy about me and just worships the ground I walk on, and she's so frustrated that Ive been hitting on younger girls and not her.

Too bad sweetie, gotta wait in line like everyone else!


Yeah. That's it.


Keep dreamin' baby and maybe your dreams will come true. Someday.

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If you're worried about privacy, then why talk about it?

Quade, ever notice that it's usually the ones who talk about it the most who really aren't getting any?B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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. . . need to figure out how to deal with this privacy situation . . .

If you're worried about privacy, then why talk about it?

Privacy means, no where to get laid. It wouldnt bother me to fuck some chick right in front of everybody, but it might bother them, thats the problem. I need a solution.

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If you're worried about privacy, then why talk about it?

Quade, ever notice that it's usually the ones who talk about it the most who really aren't getting any?B|

What exactly would you be getting? Or is that something I probably wouldnt want to think about?

Dude, I can tell you I can score up more chicks than you can dream about. And I dont mean the ones you hang with, I mean the good looking ones you wish you had. And why? Because Im hot, and your not! B|

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What exactly would you be getting?

Right now? Light comedic entertainment.


It wouldnt bother me to fuck some chick...

You know...I've found that respecting someone as a person goes a lot further than treating them as an object.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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What exactly would you be getting?

Right now? Light comedic entertainment.


It wouldnt bother me to fuck some chick...

You know...I've found that respecting someone as a person goes a lot further than treating them as an object.

But thats because...youre not me! Now if you were me, your mind would be distorted by nice asses and big tits. Besides, they look at you like youre nothing but an object, so the respect thing aint gonna catch on in that kind of environment. Thats California, not Texas.

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Try watching re-runs. Far better, less, ah, "filling"...

That's why I called it "light". It's not exactly like it's engaging my higher brain or anything.:ph34r:
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Try watching re-runs. Far better, less, ah, "filling"...

That's why I called it "light". It's not exactly like it's engaging my higher brain or anything.:ph34r:

Brain??? Oh, uh, thats that weird thing up in your head, right? Never use it, but it does seem to absorb salt water remarkably well.

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It's not exactly like it's engaging my higher brain or anything

yes, well, it certainly follows in line with some other posts that doesn't even bother to engage any "brain"...or other body part for that matter.

How's by you tonight, Kris? I was thinking about dinner, and decided that I would make curry some other night. Tonight, it was chicken teryaki, a beer, and some rice. I have to work all weekend, so curry will be likely Sunday.

What're your plans for the weekend, Kris? Gonna get any airtime?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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