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How's by you tonight, Kris? I was thinking about dinner, and decided that I would make curry some other night. Tonight, it was chicken teryaki, a beer, and some rice. I have to work all weekend, so curry will be likely Sunday.

What're your plans for the weekend, Kris? Gonna get any airtime?

Mmmm....curry. Yesterday was Tikka Masala day at this great Indian cuisine restaurant by my office. Very outstanding.

I'm actually off to bed in a bit. I'm driving down to Skydive Dallas in the early morning to meet up with some friends at their SkyFest boogie. CASA-212 tailgate! WooHoo! I've budgeted for about 10 jumps for tomorrow. Gotta watch that Rantoul budget.:)

Hope you have a great weekend and hurry up and get well so you can get back in the air!
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Hope you have a great weekend and hurry up and get well so you can get back in the air!

Meds are still making me unsure of leaving terra firma, as much as I want to. But soon - I'll be back in the sky, and having the blast you are going to have this weekend.

Be safe!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It's not exactly like it's engaging my higher brain or anything

yes, well, it certainly follows in line with some other posts that doesn't even bother to engage any "brain"...or other body part for that matter.

I wouldnt say any other body part...

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