
Do you enjoy the smell of your own farts?

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Seb I thought you said you had WORK to do today...

Are you secretly on HH's payroll as an instigator, or is this a "research project" for your HR department??

As for our question, it depends on the grade of fuel I've been running on. Becks is pretty pure stuff (Reinheitsgebot and all) B|B| so I'm OK today. Corona and mexican food can cause severe internal damage and environmental pollution :o:o


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Since you asked... For about a year, I have been using Tic-Tacs as suppositories. Every time I fart, it is like a breath of minty-fresh springtime air. I am often complemented on both boquet and tonal range. People have said "It's a bit musky in here, how about a farting the theme from Jaws..." :ph34r:

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Since you asked... For about a year, I have been using Tic-Tacs as suppositories. Every time I fart, it is like a breath of minty-fresh springtime air. I am often complemented on both boquet and tonal range. People have said "It's a bit musky in here, how about a farting the theme from Jaws..." :ph34r:

Good to hear you have been using the "Assterine"!!!!!!:o

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(Fat Bastard breaks wind in front of Austin and Foxy)
Austin: "Did you just soil yourself?"
Fat Bastard: "Maybe. Ha ha ha. It did sound a little wet didn't it? Right at the end. Oooh! Let's have a smell. Alright. Ooh wafting, wafting. Ooh everyone likes their own brand don't they? This is magic! Alright. Analysis. Oh smells like carrots and throw-up. Oh that could gag a maggot. A smell like hot sick, ass and a dead carcass. Oh even Stink would say that stinks! You know when you go to an apartment building and you smell other people's cooking on each floor and you go 'What are they cooking?' That plus crap!"


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You'll notice that women have posted, but not made any claims about talent. I've been around some women who had air quality problems in the same room, but blamed it on the dog. Sometimes I've thought, "That is a very small dog to produce that volume of material." It just seems to coincidental. ;)

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A guy goes to pick up his girlfriend for a date. She's not ready yet so he has to talk to the father. He accidentally passes an SBD and the father looks at the dog and yells "Spot"!! The guy thinks "Whew! Got away with that one." When it happens a second time, the guy doesn't mind 'cuz the father once again blames the dog and yells "Spot" at dog very harshly. The third time it happens, the guy smiles internally. But then he hears the father yell "Spot! Get away from that guy before he shits all over you!":D

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Yeah...it has been legalized. I was trying to show how some people on the thread got all....dare i say "anal" about the sodomy thread...yet this thread, no one seems to say anything. Personally I find it disgusting...but hey to each their own;) If someone wants to actually waste their brain power on such a thought then more power to em. I just don't see the "heathens" attacking them. The whole idea....people are far to judgemental:ph34r:

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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