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Sen. Bill Blocks Weight-Related Lawsuits

Jul 18, 7:08 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - If too many burgers and fries have left your waistline super-sized, don't expect a sweet pay-off in court, senators said Thursday. A bill would prevent people from suing restaurants and food manufacturers for making them fat.

"I think it's important not to blame poor eating habits on someone else," said Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the sponsor of the bill.

The measure would block lawsuits related to obesity or weight gain, but not suits charging other kinds of injury or fraud. It is similar to one already introduced in the House.

The House held a hearing last month on the relatively new legal trend in which consumers are suing fast food chains like McDonald's and arguing that the food contributed to their obesity.

McConnell, the GOP whip, predicted an uphill battle getting the measure through the Senate.

The Association of Trial Lawyers of America opposes the bill, while the food industry has lobbied for it. Both are big campaign donors.

The trial lawyers group contributed $4.2 million to federal campaigns and political parties in the last election cycle, with 91 percent going to Democrats, according to the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics.

Restaurants and bars contributed $7 million, with 77 percent going to Republicans. Food manufacturers gave $3.3 million, with 86 percent going to Republicans.

McConnell's bill would help at least one company in his home state. Louisville-based Yum! Brands, Inc., owns Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC.

I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!

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That's good, but it still is ridiculous that we need a law specifically addressing this issue. How about some tort reform and a more general law that provides for a way to stop frivolous law suits before they get to whacky juries handing out ridiculous awards.

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Let's also not forget that Mitch McConnell has systematically fought to block campaign financing reform year after year, he's concerned about the First Amendment rights of the rich to outspend the other 95% of us in an election campaign.

A few court rulings throwing these suits out, with maybe one ruling at an Appeals Court level would set enough of a precedent to put the lid on these suits without having to legislate. But legislation is also a cheap way for rats like McConnell to keep their picture in the papers.

Bottom line is lawyers won't sue if they can't smell a payday.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I totally agree, we shouldn't need this specific law, we should just have a total reform across the board. However, it's good to know that someone in Washington is finally realizing that it's getting totally out of control, and taking some steps in the right direction to abate it. While it's probably not the best idea, it's better than just sitting back and letting this BS continue. Total tort reform will be very difficult to get passed (though it is terribly needed). This one law will probably be much easier to get through. And just maybe a victory with this might inspire someone to try something more far reaching. Well...I won't hold my breath...

I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!

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