
Throw it away

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During the course of my job yesterday, I was talking to a Pharmacist in MD. When I asked her to throw away a test sheet, she said she was going to CHUNK it. I almost fell on the floor laughing. But then, I remembered someone else saying that before.

Is chunking something in the trash a southern or east coast thing? I always thought you chucked something into the trash.

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Okay, well, I've lived in Texas all my life, but I definitely do not "chuck" anything in the trash. Chuck refers to a person's name, food (like ground beef), or vomiting. "Chunking" something in the trash is like taking a chunk of something and throwing it away...

Blondes do have more fun!

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I have never heard of "chunking" something in the trash, and I live in the east.

Around here, we just SHITCAN it.:)
(7 more posts, and I turn into something else)

"I think that was the wrong tennis court."

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Okay, well, I've lived in Texas all my life, but I definitely do not "chuck" anything in the trash. Chuck refers to a person's name, food (like ground beef), or vomiting. "Chunking" something in the trash is like taking a chunk of something and throwing it away...


Main Entry: 3 chuck
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1583
1 : PAT, TAP
2 a : TOSS b : DISCARD c : DISMISS, OUST -- used especially with out
3 : to have done with

Main Entry: 2 chunk
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: imitative
Date: 1890
: to make a dull plunging or explosive sound

According to the Dictionary CHUNK has nothing to do with throwing something away. Might it come from the sound a trash can makes when you drop something heavy in it?

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i think the superfluous 'n' is like the r's that disappear form wordslike 'car' and 'yard' in the new england area, and make their way to texas and show up in words like 'warsh (wash)' ;) the big question is who's missing n's? :D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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According to the Dictionary CHUNK has nothing to do with throwing something away. Might it come from the sound a trash can makes when you drop something heavy in it?

Quite possible...and I wasn't defining from the dictionary. I was defining from what I grew up hearing and saying. Again, Texas born and bred--don't forget that southerners speak a different language, or at least a different dialect!;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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P.S. Other "southern dictionary" terms:

sensuous--as in "Sensuous up, could you grab me a Shiner?"
y'antoo--means "would you like to?"
fixing to--about to do something, as in "Are you ever going to 'chunk' that old pair of shoes?", the answer "I was fixing to do that right now."

Try some Jeff Foxworthy, "You Might Be a Redneck" type stuff, or perhaps Bill Engvell. They are both hilarious, especially the Bill Engvell "Here's Your Sign" routine. You can find them both on Kazaa, I'm sure. They explain a lot about southern people and the way they talk and act. It's a little over the top, but still rings of truth!

Blondes do have more fun!

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Ha, just the differences in how we talk in different parts of the country.

Down here in the south we say ya'll when refering to groups of people. Ya'll northerners say you's guys.:P

We drinks cokes, regardless of what it is and others say soda pops.

And we chunk things while you's guys chuck things.

I love this language!!!!!!!!:)

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Ha, just the differences in how we talk in different parts of the country.

Down here in the south we say ya'll when refering to groups of people. Ya'll northerners say you's guys.:P

We drinks cokes, regardless of what it is and others say soda pops.

And we chunk things while you's guys chuck things.

I love this language!!!!!!!!:)

THANK YOU! I forgot the "coke" one. That is definitely important!
However, y'all is no longer only a southern term...it has spread north and west. I've heard more people start to use it, and it's great! "Southern English" is becoming a widespread dialect.;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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[QUOTE]fixing to[/QUOTE]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe thats, "fixin' to". We lack ing's in north carolina.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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Chunking - very poor quality canned Chinese food.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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[QUOTE]fixing to[/QUOTE]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe thats, "fixin' to". We lack ing's in north carolina.

Yes, you are correct.
"Fixing to" is the translation for those north of you and me!;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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Try some Jeff Foxworthy, "You Might Be a Redneck" type stuff, or perhaps Bill Engvell.

I saw them doing the Blue Collar Comedy Tour live in Florida. Hysterical. They filmed parts of the tour and there is a movie of the same name. When they returned for the movie premiere, the 4 of them stood around and signed autographs.

Of the famous people that I have met, Jeff Foxworthy seems like one of the few really down-to-earth ones. He told me he was just a married guy with kids and this was his job.

A lot of their humor is based on stories, not just jokes. I also liked the "here's your sign" stuff.

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Try some Jeff Foxworthy, "You Might Be a Redneck" type stuff, or perhaps Bill Engvell.

I saw them doing the Blue Collar Comedy Tour live in Florida. Hysterical. They filmed parts of the tour and there is a movie of the same name. When they returned for the movie premiere, the 4 of them stood around and signed autographs.

Of the famous people that I have met, Jeff Foxworthy seems like one of the few really down-to-earth ones. He told me he was just a married guy with kids and this was his job.

A lot of their humor is based on stories, not just jokes. I also liked the "here's your sign" stuff.

You're right, I've always thought Jeff Foxworthy was very real. And the fact that they ARE stories--even though sometimes exaggerated a little--is what makes it so very funny!

Blondes do have more fun!

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Was a kid I knew growing up that always said "plug it out" instead of "unplug". Got a Mexican buddy that calls everything he's standing on the "floor", I mean, grass, dirt whatever.


The Dude Abides.

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Aww Blue... dont go there ffs... what about CNN

Real News, REAL Fast / should be REALLY fast.

How AM I driving???? Well if you don't know how the fuk will I. It sb how IS my driving?

As for Chunks vs Chucks

...after several drinks ........ he chucked up

OMG that guy is blowing chunks.

I hope this helps a bit LOL

Hope you don't get Banned!

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