
clean gear of cigarette smoke stink

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Hi all,

As usual, sorry if this question has been asked before, I did a basic key word search and did not find any threads of the same subject matter.

I just bought a used rig not knowing that it came from a smoking household. The whole thing reeks like an ashtray, totally nauseating.

I feel like throwing the whole thing in the washer. [:/]

So my question is, how can I, as good as possible, free the individual components of the rig from this disgusting stink without causing any harm to it?


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You can air out the main (hang somewhere without sunlight and recirculate air). The smell will take a long time and you will still have some residual smell left.

You can have YOUR RIGGER wash the container and air it out. They should also be able to air out the reserve.

As far as using Febreeze - that will only cover up the smell a little, and I am not sure how different manufacturers view it's usage.

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You can wash all three components of your gear, although the AAD is best left out of the washing machine.:P
Remove the main and reserve from the container. This is the component that will have the most smoke ingrained in the fabric and washing it should yield the greatest effect. I have heard of people washing their rig in a machine but I have never done it. If I were to do so I would use a front loader rather than one with an agitator. Generally I hand wash it. Take a Rubbermaid or similar type tub, fill it about half way with tepid water, add a bit of a non-scented clothes washing detergent. I use Woolite©. Put the rig in and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Using a nylon brush vigorously each part of the rig. You may want to change the water and do it again. Get the shower set up to insure tepid water and put the rig under the flow for about 15 minutes, turning the rig once or twice to rinse. Hang to dry.
Some people wash canopies in the machine by putting them in a cloth laundry bag and tossing the bag in the machine on cold, no soap. I have never done this but I have hand washed a tandem canopy once. That is a lot of work. You might want to discuss that with your rigger.
If you have never assembled a rig before you should get your rigger in on that as well.

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Hehe, thanks, I like not being a drug user and an addict.

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