
[:)] New skills / What you would like to learn how to do...

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cabinet making (already finished a couple of small projects,

Mee Too. I have been trying and trying. I did build a deck and a cover for my patio. I think that thing fell down 3 times. I forget my hammer on top of ladder and it hits me in the head or once the shoulder.

My cabinets or shelf units crader also or wobble alot. I love to saw stuff. But that is kinda crooked and either too long or two short. I mark the cut point.. Must be something wrong with the skill saw.

I burned myself twice today. I wanted to see if the screw was in good - burned. I wanted to change the drill bit, -burned my fingers again. Well, tommrow I am going to hang a new door. And put wup 3 new free standing shelves. How much do you want to bet that wHile I am sitting there sewing away, I get cradered on the head again.

I now want to go the welding classes. About those coat hangers... If I am going to do yard art or whatever creative (like a skydiver siloute) I think a more optimal material would be a better choice.

I now I think I get all these ideas from Monster Garage. I am totally in love with Jesse James.... Whew... man-o-man... Anyway it looks fun.



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I would like to learn how to disappear, and rematerialize - anywhere I want, at any time. And have x-ray vision, and no longer need oxygen (unlimited altitude, no need for a plane). And be able to make my enemies explode, and my friends rich. And be able to talk to/listen to animals and plants (not all the time).

SSSSSHHHHHHH. . . . . . . They're coming with my medication. I hope it's the nice lady, she tells me stories. I have to go now.

"I think that was the wrong tennis court."

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I now want to go the welding classes. About those coat hangers... If I am going to do yard art or whatever creative (like a skydiver siloute) I think a more optimal material would be a better choice.

I now I think I get all these ideas from Monster Garage. I am totally in love with Jesse James.... Whew... man-o-man... Anyway it looks fun.

Stainless steel!! (My favorite stuff to work with!) Learn how to TIG weld (aka "heli-arc") and you can do all kinds of neat stuff!

Jesse is DA MAN!!!

Easy Does It

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I could help you with the football throwing and the snowboarding.



Now can you help with the welding of Timmy's well?

Timmy jokes are sooo yesterday. :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Tormorrow, I'm actually going to be crossing something off my "To do in life" list.

I'm going to learn to drive a race car. I mean a REAL race car (CART without the downforce). It's a day-long course and I get to take 30 laps around the track in full gear, hooked up to a radio.

It's gonna rawk!!!!!

Then I want to learn to scuba dive and I wish I could sing :)

Did I just kill another thread?

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I'd want to learn or be better at:

- to fly an airplane
- to scuba dive
- to belly dance
- to Latin American dance (something just so sensual about it)
- to speak Spanish, French, Greek
- to play the piano better
- to better all-around skydiver
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I'd want to learn or be better at:

- to fly an airplane
- to scuba dive
- to belly dance
- to Latin American dance (something just so sensual about it)
- to speak Spanish, French, Greek
- to play the piano better
- to better all-around skydiver

It's going to be fun when you come out here. I forgot to put "to learn to fly an airplane and to learn to belly dance" on my list. Maybe we can pursue these activities together.

Furthermore, in exchange for helping me improve my skydiving skills, I may be able to help you with learning to speak spanish and latin dance (professional lessons are probably best first). I learned to scuba dive several years back, but I had no one to do it with at the time.

I would probably need to learn it all over again, but it would be cool to have a friend to go with. Sounds like you have a great list, Cora! :)

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I forgot to put "to learn to fly an airplane and to learn to belly dance" on my list. Maybe we can pursue these activities together.

Furthermore, in exchange for helping me improve my skydiving skills, I may be able to help you with learning to speak spanish and latin dance (professional lessons are probably best first). I learned to scuba dive several years back, but I had no one to do it with at the time.

Hot diggity dog!!! :)
Me habla Espanol un poco. I took 1 year of Spanish in college and loved it!!! Signed up for a 2nd year - I was going to double major in it - and the professor was an interesting character. He spoke 7 languages which impressed me to no end!!! But, in class, he'd start speaking Spanish, switch to French, then German, then.... I got confused. :S Couldn't follow his instructions so dropped the class. I would so love to get good at Spanish again.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Hehe! I read through some of these!

Guess what, girls? I wanted to learn to belly dance, too! Soo....I'm taking belly dancing lessons!!! The lessons start the first Tuesday of September! I signed up for them just a few days ago, actually! :)
Things I want to learn how to do:
1) I want to learn how to pass my next exam :D
2) I want to learn how to sing (I am tone deaf, though)
3) I want to learn how to sew (I would save so much money by making my own clothes)
4) I want to learn how to be an awesome photographer
5) I want to learn more about Zen

There are also many things I want to progress in:
1) ballet
2) running
3) skydiving
4) statistics
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I've always got too many projects on the go and things I want to do/learn. Including...

Improve my sewing. I can sew anything basic, and puzzle out things more complicated, but I can't 'take measurements' and sew something to fit.

Improve my web designing knowledge. I'm self taught so far, but would love to take a course. One day, when I have 'spare' time. hahahaha!

Quilting. Wipe that smirk off your face!:P Not the kind that our grandma's did, but the kind you see in art shows. See, I paint and draw and silkscreen, but I'm not that good at painting, I draw well but don't find it satisfying, and I love silkscreening but it is MESSY! But when I look at art quilts, I think they combine everything I love about the other mediums.

Learn to sit fly!

Dancing. Someone else said with a good partner! and I second that. Sadly, my hubby is many things, but a decent dancer he's not.[:/]

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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I saw the post title and instantly answered "Weld".

Weld stainless steel stuff with welds that look like a stack of dimes on their sides.

I'd like to be better with my Leigh jig too, but I just don't have enough time.

I would like to learn how to put about 10 more hours in each day.


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1. .......Uncork A Bottle Of Wine Without Nailing Myself In The Head When The Cork Finally Gives.
NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING is more uncool or embarrassing when trying to impress the opposite sex with your gracefulness, or lack thereof, only to wind up with a black eye and wine on the carpet.

Try this, it's awesome. You'll be smooth as butta ;)


So, one down for you and six to go. :P

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Hmm... I will keep this really short....

non skydiving related....

I would like to learn how to not get so easily annoyed with (and waste so much energy on) stupid or ignorant people.

I would like to learn to be more patient and more decisive.

I would like to be more consistent in how much I work out (and remind myself that sex and skydiving are not the only two forms of exercise I need)

skydiving related...

I want to learn head down (which I am about to start learning). Here is where the patience thing comes into play - it will take time to be the badass freeflyer I want to be.

There are lots of little things - but that is the biggest of the things I want to learn in skydiving.

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