
D-License will now require 500 jumps

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USPA approved the details of changes that will align the USPA skydiving license program with the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, effective this September. Relatively few changes affect current license and rating holders or competitors. This means that the D-License jump requirements will be raised to 500 jumps. If you’re close to the current requirements for your “D,” (200 jumps) you should get that completed before September 1st, 2003 and be “grandfathered” into the old requirements

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....you should get that completed before September 1st, 2003 and be “grandfathered” into the old requirements

You have until Sept 30.


Special Bulletin on New License Requirements: On September 30, 2003, USPA will adjust its jump number requirement for licenses to the new FAI standards as follows:


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just a thought for people rushing to get their jumps done to get their D. For all practical purpose for fun jumping, a C is as good as a D. Don't kill yourself trying to get in enough jumps or to get your night jumps or whatever.. My advice is jump as you normally would and don't let this affect your habits, decrease your safety, get you out of your comfort zone, etc. I was at a dz recently and a lady was jumping her ass off, her bf was packing for her and she was ju,mping until she was exhausted each day so she could get her D before the cutoff.. In my opinion, that is a very bad idea. The D is not the endall and a new requirement to get it should not create unsafe situations like the one I witnessed that weekend. :)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

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It's Sept 30th actually. Jeez - you almost gave me a heart attack. :P

Quote from USPA site:

Special Bulletin on New License Requirements: On September 30, 2003, USPA will adjust its jump number requirement for licenses to the new FAI standards as follows: A license-25 jumps; B license-50 jumps; C license-200 jumps; D license-500 jumps. All USPA members who hold licenses on that date will retain their licenses, regardless of their number of jumps. USPA will address its program license requirements (ratings and competition) at its next meeting in July.

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If you’re close to the current requirements for your “D,” (200 jumps) you should get that completed before September 1st, 2003 and be “grandfathered” into the old requirements

Why should people rush to get the D? What does the D license do for most jumpers?

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I think that I saw the new requirement also mention that if Nasty Clown shows up in public again that Chop's D-license will be revoked:P:S [J/K]

LOL!! I would lose my USPA license and my dropzone.com membership in one foul swoop post! B|B|:P:S:o
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

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A lot of boogies on beaches require it (including the XKeys jumps in Wildwood).

It was also required for the New Year's jump at Eloy last year. Most of the time, the license number isn't significant, but sometimes it is.
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The DZ I jump at has a lot of demo opportunities for D licensed jumpers. I want to get in on that.

Do you think most skydivers are ready for that at 200 jumps?

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>Do you think most skydivers are ready for that at 200 jumps?

500 jumps now. Keep in mind that the SIM, until recently, required only a C license for level 1 demos. Also keep in mind that that's a minimum; there are plenty of people with even 500 jumps who can not safely perform a demo.

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Personally, it has been my goal to get the D in my first year anyway....I know with almost 200 jumps I personally am not yet willing to take certain risks and mkae certain jumps just because the paper work says I can. I'm not too proud to see that the winds are too much for me or to see that although the Keys looks like an awesome place to jump - I want to be sure I am MORE THAN COOL with "what if I have a problem and hit the water".....as long as we all use our best judgement we will all continune to enjoy this sport properly.....

SunnyDee wants her DB|.....142 and counting. Cross Keys this weekend and Richmond the end of August...No worries!

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I have watched in amazement as well as to what the hell is the big deal is anyway??? Geez!

Friends of mine with decades and thousands of jumps tell me, "It does matter" [the D-number] whether you believe it or not, "people notice your d-number" I don't know , what, like Lew Sanborne? Theres only one... He's already got that number. so much after that is like a fart in the wind anyway, isn't it?

When I had had one jump I couldn't imagine twenty, when I had twenty I had a hard time imagining a hundred. When I had two hundred, I think thats when I began to appreciate how much I had to learn. When I had five hundred I was sure I could be really good with at least a thousand more jumps!!!

Another thing that amazes me is that people don't jump with or without me because I have or don't have a a D-license. In the past couple years I have jumped more with low-time jumpers than more experienced jumpers. I guess that just naturally happens after a while? I have probably learned as much from them as they have from me...

So, now more than ever, I feel I have something to share; to teach. Now it seems like a D might be a good idea. But until about now, it never mattered, really. You can't compete, demo [real demos] or get a job without the jump numbers as a basic requirement to get in the door anyway... so WTF!!???

So, Hoo-Rah to 500! All you 200 jump wonders out there, have a blast with your freshly minted 1-2 year member D-license... I just don't get it?

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Well put Sarge, I do like my d-number, though, cuz it's easy to remember - 25001 ;) Beyond that, I totally agree with you.. You jump where you have the skills to jump. You jump with who you jump with because you have the skills to teach or the skills to participate.. Raising the requirements for C & D licenses should help keep some people out of some not-so-safe situations.. matching skills only gained through time and experience with situations that may require those skills to handle safely. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

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So the BOD meeting has happened?

What about the rest of the stuff that was going up before them?

Here's one thing:
"In order to reduce further losses of USPA general operating funds due to skyrocketing third-party liability insurance premiums, the Board of Directors raised the exhibition insurance costs to demonstration jumpers by 50% effective August 15, 2003. This will help offset the growing subsidy of the exhibition insurance premiums by membership dues. While the number of claims for demonstration jumps tend to be small, the dollar amounts of these claims substantially exceed those made by the individual members at drop zones. This action is intended to be a short-term, stopgap measure while alternative third-party insurance options can be examined."

That means 50% more than the rates listed in the attachment to this post. This action follows close on the heels of them raising individual membership dues, and simultaneous with a current effort in which they're calling non-GM dropzones on the weekends and offering to waive the set-up fee ($100-$200 depending on size of dz) if they'll join the GM program.

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Think I'll test for my C and call it good.....Out here a D only means landing about 30ft closer to the hanger..Big Deal!!! Plus being married with kids I dont have the $$ to make the cutoff unless I do about 50 hopnpops....which then the D would stand for DUMBASS!:P

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