
Is "The One" really out there?

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:( that sucks. you would think if you had such a close bond you could find compromises somewhere. though i do know people who have hit roadblocks due to religion and kids and there was no impass. [:/] hopefully your situation will work out for the best.

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It's easy for other people, who are not dealing with this right now, to tell you to stop looking and what not. In reality, there is just nothing that anyone can do to make it any easier. I guess it just has to get worse before it can get better. The pain makes you appreciate the good things more. Yin and yang, eh?

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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One of my friends has a theory on this... "it's not time for your souls to be together, you'll have to wait." Till then it breaks a girls lil `o heart [:/]

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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I wouldn't know, as I'm still going through it, but I'm sure there is truth in it. All I'm saying is that it doesn't really help... I guess me, as well as most people, just need to get beaten on the head enough so that we'll say "ah, screw it all" and then we'll find her/him.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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You guys are so cute together!:)I haven't been in a relationship in a long time and pretty much gave up on trying to find it. I'm just going to let it happen when its meant to happen because I know once it happens. Sometimes you got to wait but it will be worth the wait.
PMS #113
PMTS #19

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Bloody hell, I am! That whole "stop looking and the right person will turn up" is crap. Not that I don't believe it - I just don't think you can stop yourself from being on the lookout if that's what you want.

That is the point. Once you get comfortable being by yourself, you will quit "being on the lookout". You will develop your own interests and a stronger self-definition.

The reason that people find someone when not looking is that you take the time to talk and get to know them, then it works because you are only going to accept something that works. When looking, people jump into something and desparately try to make it work.

But heck, what do I know, I've been single since '94. :o

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Then just be happy being with your friends...anyone who has good friends is never alone and their are some people (me included) that are much happier without a full-time romantic relationship.....

also I am quite sure that there is more than one "the one" for everyone on the planet...

Don´t belive the hype

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IN the last few months, I realized she was "the one." Hence, I'm relocating. She's worth it. It helps I found a better paying job there, too.

Congrats, but you must get your "A" license first! Your bud Julia is doing pretty well now... close to 30 something I think.B|


Lose faith and hope. I did.

For me it is a feast or famine phase.:|

But on a more pleasant note, it is the beginning of the weekend and I will be hooking up my new Sabre2 up and jumping it! A couple of hop-n-pops today, then some AFF tomorrow and Sunday will be way cool. Oh, yeah... and I will be bringing a case of Corona to the dz!B|

Mr. Shark

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There are many "One"s, not just one. If that were the case, what would happen if you spoke different languages and never crossed paths? With the size of the world population your chances of finding your One would be very slim indeed.

The concept of The One is a cop out. It lets us believe that if we are not getting along with someone, they are not The One. It lets us blame not finding happiness on lack of The One. Individual happiness and successful relationships take a hell of a lot of work. No one is going to be The One all the time.

If that were the case we'd be living in a really tacky 80s song, or a Disney movie.

My $0.02

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The concept of The One is a cop out. It lets us believe that if we are not getting along with someone, they are not The One. It lets us blame not finding happiness on lack of The One. Individual happiness and successful relationships take a hell of a lot of work. No one is going to be The One all the time.

I COMPLETELY agree with EVERYTHING that you wrote EXACTLY as you wrote it. I TOTALLY AGREE that life is not a frickin Disney movie and that relationships, no matter how fabulous, are a lot of work.

It's sad, but most people are just not willing to put in the time. It shows a basic lack of maturity to not be able to develop and evolve within relationships. So some people just end up sleeping alone night after night while unconditionally loving and nurturing...THEIR PETS or their bodies or their careers or their hobbies or their friendships, instead of nurturing their relationships with their significant others. Then they wonder why they are alone...

Edited to add: I do not mean to offend anyone as I am not talking about anyone on this thread. Sorry if it sounded harsh. :$

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while I agree that the concept of the ONE is a cop out...my personal feeling is that at one point in time people married out of necissity or for money,children etc and while these types of relationships still happen we as a society (in America) are moving twords a point where we can wait for someone that is compatible to the point that it isnt work to be in the relationship...you just do things to/for eachother because you want to..not because you feel obligated....we are only now reaching this point because we men/women can support themselves and live a comfortable life without the assistance of a spouse... in my opinion not everyone should get married/be in a LTR...not everyone needs this to be happy....for those that do then be picky..I mean real picky...wait till there are no feeling of obligation before you settle...

just my 2 cents

Don´t belive the hype

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Begining with its conclusions misdirected to whats right,
Actual Illusions weakened by its might,
Deserving Martial value priced for quick exchange,
Worth in open market only half its weight in change,
Enthusiastically disfigured by antisipated sterile waste,
Poised and promising glazed its loss of face,
Franically mellow blameless in its intent,
More solid than jello yet softer than cement,
Unprofitly productive not worth speaking of,
Mutually destructive none of the above.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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