
time to get freak-kay

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yay! Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Lizzie's coming to the dark side, Now I won't have to belly fly to jump wiht her!B|B|B|B|B|B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Come to the right side and learn to flock likeal lthe cool birdies are doing:ph34r:

You'll never want to spend just 45 seconds in freefall when you can spend 90+ on your first jump...

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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oh don't you cry sebby webby....i'll still be doing the RW thing...i'll still be there to take you out on big RW/Zoo loads

i just wanna be able to play with everyone...you know, be a switch hitter in the skydiving sense ;)....now you can all write back with comments about switch hitting :ph34r:

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now you can all write back with comments about switch hitting :ph34r:

Ok... I don't know about you but when I try to Beat the crap out of a baseball hurtling at or near me and I'm using a left hand batting stance ... I suck!

I can't wait to fly with youB|
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Damn, Chopchop, them's some fine Hybrid Record pictures you keep posting!

Why, thank you, JP.. Some badass cameraflier took them when we set the record at The American Boogie.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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