
Weekend Numbers (or TLML's Wild Ride)

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final tally for the weekend


because of the 200 dollar-all you can jump thing, i ended up doing 5 free jumps (did 2 on friday, which didnt count towards that, 15 between yesterday and today). jumped with Val, wildblue, erica, and freeflycracker made a cameo from st louis.

all in all, i wish i had more money to jump, i dont want real life to set in.

blue skies

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Jumpin the "PIMP ASS" King Air at Skydive Atlanta! Got 3 on Saturday. All fuckin off with old friends. What a great time. Spent my first 20 minutes in the hangar hugging people. What a great time. Unfortunately, I couldn't hang out for the beer light Saturday night. I had t go home so I could get up for my 11 1/2 hour drive back to Cleveland. [:/] Any who haven't been to SD Atlanta.....you should try it. What a KICK ASS DZ. One of the best I have ever been to. Oh...the trip was punctuated by my FIRST landing back there in months. a 270 sick ass HOOK!!!! No shit...there I was.....thought I was gonna die!!! Good news....I'm about to get the HOOK up on a Xaos 135. SWOOOPALICIOUS!!!

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first 3 pt 8way:)

NICE job!:)--------------------------------------------------------
I have yet to get 2pt 8way[:/]
(13 pt 5way @ 1st jump at Rantoul=no yahoo after 8pts:()
Eagle @ Rantoul, maybe?:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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3 "bad ass" beer line swoops (mpeg video to come I hope) videoed by konradptr.

18 jumps this weekend.

No beers owed. :)

I would have owed beer had I made the swoop course on today's sunset load. But I chickened out at the last second and swooped adjacent to the course. Now I need to figure out how to get my swoops from the camera to a DZ.COM page. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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So how did your weekend go?

I'm very happy to hear that your lady's OK and I'm sure you're even happier.

My weekend was just wonderful. After getting back into the sport after 22 years away (took a break to raise a family), yesterday was the first time I got back into some really over-the-top skydiving. Money's been kind of an issue and I haven't jumped as much as I'd like to and I'm still renting demo gear for now. But yesterday I made 5 dives and went from a 2 way to a great 4 way to a 5 way flail, to a sorta disappointing 8 way, to an incredible 8 way. 27 hrs later I'm still trippin' about it.

Best of all was meeting up with an old friend I hadn't seen in 22 years. We used to work together and I turned him on to skydiving back in 1980. He used to think he'd never do it in a million years, but every Monday morning I'd tell him the latest war stories and he finally decided to go for it. He really got into it at the same time I got out and we never did jump together. The guy was even one of my ushers when I got married (and I'm still married to the same woman, 22 yrs later). Finally yesterday we made four loads together, he's up to 3500+, compared to my 577. But it was wonderful, the dives were fantastic. I wasn't just jumping, or breaking back in. It was real skydiving. It was perfect. Today I feel like I've been hit by a truck and am popping Naproxen. Is it just age, or was jumping all day in 100 degree desert heat always that rough ? I haven't hurt so good since I was a newlywed. Blue skies y'all.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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WOW what a weekend....

13 fun jumps doing Freefly (8 way tube for friend Melissas 100th 4 girls and 4 boys:)Speed ( new personal best top speed 241 MPH) and RW 10 way belly jump flown not launched... flew to an 8th slot.... All jumps made from 13k or better woo hoo... its so much fun being at at Turbo DZ... woo hoo... I think the Cessna 182's are lonely:D


Is it just age, or was jumping all day in 100 degree desert heat always that rough

Its the age...... believe me I got bruises everywhere and stuff hurts... but ya know what... WHO THE HECK CARES>>>>>WOOO HOOO:):P


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0>:(:1B|:more than I can drink alone!:D

Sorry, but since I finally HAVE a number to report, I had to get it in here. :P

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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So yeah...one reserve ride, on Friday, and a bunch of other jumps, including a sweet 16 point 6 way and some really fun and rockin' 4-way today. (scared silly sexy turtles!)

Don't ya just hate modest people? It seems that our very own Heather's team did not just compete in the 4-way scrambles, they WON. Prepare to be dragged into the spotlight.

Nine teams and none were even close to their score. I was quite jealous as my teams butt was soundly trounced. B| Saw their video. Smooth, fast. Congratulations. :)

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Eagle @ Rantoul, maybe?

I want to get on some big ways at rantoul. my biggest is 12 and this fall I am doing a 25-30 way and need some practice!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Tomas, you rock, but you'll never be the camera whore like I am!!!

My numbers:
I landed 6.5 miles away from the dz:9:3

I will definitely pay my beer next time I'm out at Hinckley for my furthest landing away from a dz (which also made somewhat of a record holder there :ph34r:), and I owe beer for the first time having dinner under canopy!

Here are my stories:

Wednesday: I saw Rusted Root in a small venue. That show absolutely rocked! And, some hot guy brought me cookies and a card! How nice is that?

Thursday: We hit the Taste of Chicago and watched the fireworks from Grant Park. The fireworks were so nice, but they only lasted 30 mins. I don't think I've ever seen so many fireworks in the sky at one time!!!

Friday: We hit the Taste for lunch, I broke my expensive camera, then we made a few skydives, and then we almost died! An evil storm came through, and our tent basically collapsed on top of us. That was actually somewhat scary.

Saturday: We had to dry everything out from the night before, and then we did some skydiving. I learned a few important lessons from my last jump of the day. #1 Make sure the pilot knows that people are going to do a crosscountry jump. #2 Never get out even slightly downwind of the dz on a cross ountry jump. #3 Always take food on a crosscountry jump. #4 Taking a cell phone along with you can't hurt if you can put it somewhere safely. I eased my troubles from that jump with beer and S'mores!

Sunday: we slept...a ton!

I had so much fun this weekend! Ericah filled me in on the gossip and her "camera flyer" got some really good video of me exiting the Otter!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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6 - hours driving to the DZ (usually takes 2.) Damn 4th of July traffic!

14 - jumps for the weekend. Did 9 tandems, 4 vids, and got one 4-way, two pointer in with some really new jumpers. They paid beer for their first four way.

0 - no beer owed this weekend. I'm still paying beer for a bunch of firsts from two weeks ago!

Great weekend this holiday! Worked my butt off at the DZ. DZO had the BBQ going all weekend, everyone who showed ate more than they could handle. Hey AggieDave, had your first chucker yet??


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$300 spent on fireworks for Friday night at the DZ. We put on one hell of a showB|

Only did three jumps this past weekend but had more fun on those three than i have had in a LONG time. I got to jump with Retreved on the first one and we launched a two-way flower and transitioned to sits and got in a few docks. Second jump was a 4 way with GR1 and i Sitting with GR23 and Lance flying HD on each side. Third jump was just a two way with GR23. Two way sit with toe docks, then a couple hand to foot docks. Too much fun.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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11 jumps (had to leave early Sunday).
Flew on my belly to spell out "U" "S" "A" in Red White and Blue on the 4th. We did a RW&B tracking dive too.
1st Topless Jump (Topless Tracking dive I arranged for my boyfriend with me and 3 other girls).
New locations "explored" by my boyfriend and I for the 1st time. :P
Lots of fun freeflying!

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1 AMAZING concert last night...Skid Row, Vince Neil and Poison...it was absolutely hilarious...took me back to my youth B|

1st time in a cadillac escalade limo...got completely hammered with 19 good friends B|

unfortunately no jumps, but i'll fix that next weekend B|

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2 alcoholic beverages on the 4th ...Skydivers are corrupting me :). The 2'nd was a long island. I have no tolerance, so I was pretty looped for a bit.

10 Awesome jumps... Hopefully solved the issue causing my D-Bag locks. I tracked with a birdman... I got my fallrate down to the upper 70's ;) I love tracking!

1 almost beer because some not very current jumper spiraled down ahead of me in the pattern while I was on my downwind. I gave him room and missed the taxiway by a few inches.

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1 case for entering a freefly money meet for the 1st time. (Last place...woohooo) 2nd case for receiving my 1st kiss pass from our own Sunshine.:$

Had a great weekend camping at SDC w/ Ginny, can't wait until next years Freefly money meet. (I'll slow my exit count!:D) Learned a lot from competing.

Edit to add that I had kind of an incident on Saturday. I was jumping in a pair of shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt when my back, right pocket turned inside out while in freefall. I go to pull and instead of finding my ff-handle I find my pocket lining. 1st pull was all pocket and 2nd pull was handle w/ a little bit of pocket but able to deploy. Was open at 2 grand. Landed kinda off and was picked up by our S&TA in her golf cart. She was understanding about the whole incident but made sure the pocket was buttoned before jumping again.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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I don't get the system you guys are using to report these. The 2nd number looks like jumps, and the 3rd number cases of beer, but what the hell is the 1st number?

I made one jump this weekend. Just past sunset on Friday I flew the American flag into our local minor league baseball stadium, just prior to the city's annual firework show. For those few here who know me, the 20ish-second delay and 5,000 foot canopy ride were pain-free and pretty much awesome.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Skydivers are corrupting me :).

LOL! But what a way to get corrupted, hmm?


Finally nailed my manuever series for my 'B' license, in 12.53 seconds. Yay!

An utterly awesome weekend at the dz. Damn I love this sport.:)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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