
Help! Vibes Needed!

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It's been a long terrifying night here. Been at the 24 hour study area at the University's Library all night, Cramming with my buddies for a killer exam today at 11:50 Central Time. Right now I'm loaded on Caffiene and sugar, probably about to tweak out - this fuc(#ing exam is basically going to determine financial aid for spring Semester. All i can think about right now is blowing it off and going jumping this Saturday. :| I guess life goes on off the DZ. :P
=========Shaun ==========

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best of luck shaun, man, when i crammed for a test and pulled an all-nighter, i would have done better if i would have just slept and not studied. that's just me though. but i know how you feel running off of sugar and coffee, i have been doing that for the past few weeks!!!
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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You'll be fine. One word of advice. Getting loaded on caffeine is a very bad idea, unless you enjoy writing difficult exams with a strong urge to go to the bathroom. A good night's sleep is often better than five hours of preparation. Good luck!

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Good luck and good ((((((((VIBES))))))))))! You can do this! I used to pull off A's from cram sessions, and so can you. Visualize, like you do for skydiving and try to relax a little. After it's done, you can sleep and eat all you want while watching tv and lounging around in your pjs. Then, get up and go jump! :)

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when i crammed for a test and pulled an all-nighter, i would have done better if i would have just slept and not studied. that's just me though.

Yeah me too, I need my sleep. I just give it a thorough review if possible and I do fine. Trying to cram just fucks me all up.

Vibes on the way

The Dude Abides.

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Wow! I fuc#@ng got it done! Three and a half hours, after which i just went home and slept.
Overall, it didn't go very well. i spent most my time preping on procedures and methods, the exams was mostly over memorization. [:/] So i worked a problem for 20 minutes than got stuck on the final step on a generic rule. [:/]
Whatever. I scored high enough on my first exam i can get a 65% and still average a B, and now I at least Know how to study for these fuck#$s.
Mad props for the DZ.com Community for the Vibes! They honestly helped! :)
=========Shaun ==========

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