
research BEFORE you get a permanent tattoo!!

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When I got 3 Japanese characters tattooed on me a few years ago - I got a book on Japanese characters first. I studied many of the different characters and their meanings. There were several different characters for one word, sometimes - but each had a different meaning. I selected the ones that I wanted.

Now, some people might just walk into a tattoo parlor and tell the guy what he wants and never know what he gets.

Check this out...

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So true.

I have a character on the back of my neck. I did the research and found that there are more than one meaning to my character.

I also worked in a tattoo parlor a long time ago and didn't agree with the meanings they put on the wall.

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I did my research alright :)

I went to www.henson.com, found a great picture of kermit the frog, drew a cool kermit-tatoo and had it traced/put on my arm...

When people are explaining their tribal tatoo's/chineese characters with complex deep stories, I just explain mine with "You shouldn't take life too serious"

And yesss...I'm a certified idiot...
I'm an Athlete?

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When people are explaining their tribal tatoo's/chineese characters with complex deep stories, I just explain mine with "You shouldn't take life too serious"

hahaha i like that one..

i have some black n whith tattos a cobra,a viking,and a Oaround my rigth arm which i drawed myself.then i unlucky has a cover tatto in collor,that covers an ugly scull on my arm,it had to be whith collors unless i wanted a black armB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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When people are explaining their tribal tatoo's/chineese characters with complex deep stories, I just explain mine with "You shouldn't take life too serious"

I have a tribal/chinese character tattoo and it doesn't come with a complex, deep story:) Of course there's a meaning behind it though...

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I have a tribal/chinese character tattoo and it doesn't come with a complex, deep story Of course there's a meaning behind it though...


Me too. What does your's mean?

I have a phoenix and two chinese characters one meaning strength the other wisdom...which I did research on so I know are correct...:)
What does your's mean?

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You know damn well it means:
"Hot woman in need of hotter lovin, tends to swear uncontrolably, looks superhot in an RW suit, now come get me!"

or was it:
"Fuck off and die"

I can't remember. :P
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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very cool. B|

mine are three japanese symbols. the middle one - above my belly button is for "balance". the one to the left of my belly button is "hate" and the one to the right is "love". trying to find the balance of love and hate in life. i think it's a struggle many people have. :P

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I don't have a boyfriend...so does that exclude me??
Huh, I hadn't thought of that...Maybe, I will have to change to mean... "Forget about everybody else and come to me".. Now, you are included

YES!! :D

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You know damn well it means:
"Hot woman in need of hotter lovin, tends to swear uncontrolably, looks superhot in an RW suit, now come get me!"

or was it:
"Fuck off and die"

Either is likely. Both statements I vehemently agree with.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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When people are explaining their tribal tatoo's/chineese characters with complex deep stories, I just explain mine with "You shouldn't take life too serious"
Good answer; my ex had a Marvin the Martian on his shoulder blade, and he explained it the same way. Myself, my two tattoos are not tribal or anything like that, but I thought about it. However, I was too lazy to research the symbols or I would have; the problem is, too many people I know have thought "that Chinese symbol is COOL!", then later found out that it meant something offensive, and I was scared of that.

Blondes do have more fun!

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