
Sad Frustrating Suspense Post

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My sympathies and vibes to Moody on this thread.

I woke up this morning to find Honey, my 12 year old Golden Retreiver, laying on the TV room floor. Her breathing is very shallow, her nose hot and dry. She was coughing and dry-heaving tons (She didn't eat a thing yesterday -including table scrapps!- and didn't want to walk with me last night) I absolutely had to leave for work so I called my mother who works but a few minutes from my house... she cancelled a flight (she's an instructor) to take Honey to the vet. I just spoke to my father on the phone and he told me she is now coughing up blood. We had her teeth done about a week and a half ago. They don't usually do big dogs over the age of 8 because they have to put them under but they were getting so bad that they 'caused her pain and she wouldn't eat. She re-cooped so fast from it and the anesthetic but now I fear it's really taken a toll on her body. I'm sitting here at my blasted "work-station" choking back tears. I don't know what to do. I'm so afraid of losing her. She could very-well be considered my best friend :(

Please send my your vibes and pray for my Honey. My folks won't put her down without calling me first but I don't think I could possibly leave this damn building to go be with her if they do.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Watching our animal friends suffer is particularly painful, because they can't communicate what is wrong.

Hope it all works out.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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All my very best vibes to both you and your dog. Dogs are such special members of the family and it's so painful when you can see that your best friend isn't well. Golden Retrivers are so beautiful - I hope Honey is ok.


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You can count on my VIBES and HUGS that Honey will get better. Such a difficult time, not being able to help.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Thank you all for your Vibes and good-intentions. I just heard from the Vet. He doesn't want to jump to any conclusions but it really doesn't look good. She really seems to be fading. He's going to do an x-ray on her tummy in about half and hour to see if there is any immediate thing he can spot (re: her not eating and spiting up blood) but I fear she may be on her last day. I'm going now to ask my boss if I can call it an early day to go be with her.

Not to be selfish but this could not have happened at a worse time for me as my GF and I broke up yesterday. I'm a bit of a wreck.

Thanks again for the vibes... those of you that can, cross your figers for me?


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I really feel for you man, I hope your boss has some heart and let's you off....

He was excellent. "Yeah man! Go. Get!" is what he said.

Well, The vet found that the linning of her stomach is very rough and stripped. He found many small tumors in her stomach and lungs. There's no way we're going to do a biopsy on a 12 yr old dog but luckily, she had blood work done not long ago so by comparing it to the blood he took yesterday, he will be able to tell if they are malignent or not. So that explains the coughing up blood. She also has arthritis in her back and hips which we were aware of but we can't give her her anti-inflamatories because of her stomach.

SO, I took her home with some doctor-ordered-doggy-pepto-bismal (lol) and we're going to try and releive that stomach linning. She was like a different dog on the drive home. Very happy, very energetic. We're just going to have to play it by ear now... Doc figures her to be 100 human years old so she can be fine one minute, then give us a similar scare the next. Right now, the she's comfortable more than she's uncomfortable but if that changes, we will have to put her down. :(

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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It's hard, isn't it, when you know your friend won't be around much longer. On the other hand, you have good moments in front of you to enjoy.

As long as she can piss off the neighbor's dog (or whatever it is that really rocks her boat), then life is good. Because she has you, too. That's the nice thing about being a dog.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Man... i can sympathize.. i absolutely can't stand to think about loosing my dog tank. I got him only 1 or 2 years ago, but he is 7 now.. i know 7 is not "old" but he isn't young either. He still acts like a 4 year old, has plenty of energy.. but the idea of loosing him has crossed my mind.. it of course isn't if, but when. good vibes going your way from tank and I.

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I am so sorry to hear that. My dog, Niko, is getting up in years and I honestly don't know how I will make it through his final days.

I'm sending you whatever vibes and good wishes I can. I hope Honey and you pull through OK.


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Well, Honey passed away yesterday at 4:26.

She died peacefully, at home with her head in my lap.

I thanked God for her holding out until I got home so I could be with her, I thanked God that she did not suffer. She smiled and looked me in the eye right until her heart stopped. I thanked him that we did not have to take her in to be put down and that her last week was a good one. (She had been very energetic and happy since our little scare last week)

Thank you all for your good vibes, Honey appreciated them too :-). I am at peace with her loss, she was 12 years old and had a wonderful family to live with.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I am so sorry to hear that she's passed, but grateful that she passed at home, naturally, with you right there with her. How wonderful for her, and equally wonderful for you.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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