
Why Punish the Skinny People?

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I'm skinny and can eat whatever I want. So why punish me by making everything smaller?? I want it all supersized!

What do you think? ;)


— CHICAGO (Reuters) - Kraft Foods Inc. , the largest U.S. food company, on Tuesday said it would take steps like capping portion sizes and providing more nutrition information as it, like other companies, faces growing concern and even lawsuits due to rising obesity rates.

The maker of Oreo cookies, Velveeta cheese spread and a host of other foods said it will limit portion sizes in single-serve packages, eliminate all in-school marketing and provide nutrition labeling in all markets worldwide, including markets where it is not required...


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yeah, I have to eat an abnormally large amount of food just to remain skinny. I shudder when I think how skinny I would actually be if I ate like a normal person. [:/]

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Folks, enjoy it now. After you turn 30, actually it was about 35 for me, your metabolism will suddenly change overnight and you'll be like "where did these extra 10lbs come from."

I've always been on the trim and thin side, but now I am more a medium frame. I have to watch what I eat.



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yeah, I have to eat an abnormally large amount of food just to remain skinny. I shudder when I think how skinny I would actually be if I ate like a normal person. [:/]

Me too! For breakfast I had 2 large bowls of cocoa pebbles, lunch was a 12" sub and chips, dinner was a double cheeseburger combo... SuperSized with an EXTRA double cheeseburger... I still have one more meal to go!

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back in high school i used to be able to eat anything i wanted and not gain a pound! I weighted 170 pounds all 4 years dispite getting taller.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Damn it now I'm going to have to eat 2 packs of cookies instead of one.....Oh the horror....oh the guilt.....

Hmmm...looks like the food companies are going to make more money without raising the prices.
Fly it like you stole it!

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well heres aserious answer!
why punish the skinny people?
b/c FAT lazy americans cant take responsibility for their own lives! of course Im not including ALL of them but the ones who blame fast food for the obesity and EVEN the skinny ones who test the temp of the coffee with thier labia!

we are protected the stupid here![:/]

my wiseass answer would have lost its effect after such a harsh postB|
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You young skinny f&*kers need to start an exercise regime involving repeated 12-ounce curls. It'll help your fall rate!

i keep trying that but i still havent gained any weight since high school...;)
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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yeah, I have to eat an abnormally large amount of food just to remain skinny. I shudder when I think how skinny I would actually be if I ate like a normal person. [:/]

And how old are you ? I used to be like that, 6'4" and 155 lbs - made a great floater. Now I'm 47 and desperately trying to get down closer to 200. Your metabolism is gonna slow down at some point and when it does, your lifetime of having to eat a lot is not going to be any help. In the meantime though, enjoy, have another Oreo for me.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I'm skinny and can eat whatever I want.


I'm guessing you're still under 30.


LOL Oh that is a good one!!

It will catch up with all of them eventually..... BWAAHAHA:P:P:P


reformed former floatybutt;)

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It does catch up with you....eventually!

I used to be a skinny floatybutt. at 6'1" I have a BIG wingspan... and my fall rate was very slow with even a small jumpsuit. I was doing pretty good with weight and body condition till a car accident in 1993 when I was rearended by a 3/4 ton Ford Pickup truck doing 65 MPH. My Mercedes was totalled and saved me but my back was still hammered... too much inactivity at that time and the depression brought about by all the things I was told I couldnt do any more. The weight monster really snuck up on me.
All that said.. I am just going to do what the hell I want. After making 8 jumps in a day in early June my back hurt like hell, but with the fact I was finally doing what I want with my life again.. its all balanced out. My back and body may hurt but I will NOT give up skydiving again.
For some people its hitting 30 or 40 for the metabolism changes, for others its getting pregnant and having a baby and never quite ever being able to get rid of the weight after that. Others NEVER have to fight their weight in their entire lives. Each person is different, and as you go thru life you have to adapt.

I work in IT. Most of my fellow co-workers are people who are half my age. They exist on 3 basic food groups, pizza, beer, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. ITs a very sedantary job sitting there monitoring thousands of servers all night long. And when you have all that junk food sitting around its hard to not snack on it.

For me the final straw was going in for my annual physical and stepping on the scale and seeing the nurse bump the BIG weight up one notch from where it used to be. That was in Feb, and since I dont want to smack the ground like a sack of crap on every jump. I have the motivation now I should have had all along. Exercising hurts like hell but its all good because since Feb I have managed to lose 40 pounds. By this coming January I plan on ordering my new canopy and it will NOT be over 190 SQ Ft. and I sure as hell will not be loading it much over 1:1.
I have to work very hard to be relative with people I am jumping with.. Hard but not impossible. I have at least proved to myself and to others I still can fly after being out of the sport for 22 years and just returning to it this year.

It will be interesting to see though how many people in the current crop of jumpers will still be jumping after they pass the half century mark.


Reformed former floatybutt working to get back to being skinny again.:P

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So why be such a dick about it?

I was morbidly obese a few years ago. Now I'm healthy. I'm hungry all the time. I force protein so I don't have room for Oreos, except very infrequently.

At Perris, I'm sitting with Loudiamond, B-squared, and McGowan. Somehow the discussion starts about why fat folks should pay extra to be fat on airlines. LouD remembers I was one of those folks most of my life and says something acknowledging that.

I distinctly remember people rolling their eyes as I came down the aisle. Hey, whatever. I had to lose the weight so I could be a participant in my kids lives, and when I broke my feet I could barely move around. IT'S A CONSTANT STRUGGLE.

If you've been blessed with a great metabolism, I'm happy for you, but just like any other kind of wealth, don't be a dick about it.

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Folks, enjoy it now. After you turn 30, actually it was about 35 for me, your metabolism will suddenly change overnight and you'll be like "where did these extra 10lbs come from."

Mine didn't. I weighed the same at 55 as at 19.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So why be such a dick about it?

I wasn't... But, if you want me to I can be.

I was just trying to beat it through a few peoples heads that I will more than likely not gain weight when I turn whatever age is next. I can eat what I want as much want... its in my genes. (And BTW, I do eat healthy and exercise most of the time.)

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My opinion: Yes you were.

People need to be responsible for their health. For some, like you, that's easy.

Like inherited wealth.

If you have money, it's much easier to choose not to spend it.

If you metabolize everything, it's easy to say you choose to eat healthy, cause you don't notice the snacking.

I'm done with you. Bring it.


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