
Why Punish the Skinny People?

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Well Deuce man, I saw you in the Eloy video, you're my age and you look great. Good for you getting into shape. It takes more effort to lose weight than to naturally stay skinny. I myself lost 45lbs a year and a half ago. Like I said, my metabolism changed and it took me a while for my brain to process that I was gaining weight and it was getting out of control. I ballooned up to 196 and I'm only 5'7" tall. I was out of breath walking up hills. I finally got the guts to do something about it. In four months I was back down to a healthy 150. Since then, I've started to go back in the wrong direction and have gained about 10lbs. Atleast now I know it is in my power to take the weight off when needed.

And those with the "skinny" genes, I say bullshit. Noone has more skinny genes running through their body than I do. Trust me, your metabolism will change. It's part of aging.


I just can't give up chocolate brownies though.:P



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Trust me, your metabolism will change. It's part of aging.

Nah, there are skinny old people who eat a lot. But most of them just don't crow about it. Just like I don't crow about being a stunningly beautiful sex goddess (oh -- was that my outside voice?)

What you're born with is a gift, and shouldn't be brandished and bragged about.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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This whole discussion started because some companies will be reducing the amount of some ingredients and reducing the portions. I have to wonder, since the portions will be smaller, will they be reducing the price????

I must say some people are blessed with being 'skinny' and can eat whatever they want to eat, while others struggle on a daily basis to monitor our food intake. Sometimes it just isn't fair, but that's life! I use to be very skinny and the teasing wasn't always easy. Then because of pregnancy, I gained weight, not so easy to take off:(. Then middle age occurs and a series of setbacks make the weight an issue again. I give up, I just try to eat healthy and monitor my portions. It's even harder when your spouse doesn't care to monitor their portions and bad eating habits again 'reel their ugly head'! I now think I have it 'together' again.....I hope!:)

edit: I hate 'labels', no one should be labeled as skinny or fat or whatever....just my opinion.

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Just like I don't crow about being a stunningly beautiful sex goddess (oh -- was that my outside voice?)



What you're born with is a gift, and shouldn't be brandished and bragged about.

You mean my love for chocolate brownies shouldn't be bragged about?:P



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Middle Age catches up with most as did me, but if someone can eat all they want and remain thin.....let them enjoy.....I glad someone can do it.

Edited for spelling.

You need to do a re-edit. I assume you meant to write "I'm".



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well here's a serious answer!
why punish the skinny people?

b/c FAT lazy americans cant take responsibility for their own lives! of course Im not including ALL of them but the ones who blame fast food for the obesity

Tom Leykis featured this topic during the 3rd hour of his show yesterday (I listen to da Professor while I'm working out - LOL). A caller remarked that he'd been to Holland recently and didn't see one fat person on his whole tour (and Leykis chimed in that Holland has McD's franchises). The caller concluded that it was because the Dutch walk most everywhere.

Leykis remarked that he was on the Atkins diet himself, and had lost 35 pounds, and worked out three times a week, despite making trips to McDs.

Harju's opinion: McD's isn't to blame for people being fat. They are fat because they are lazy and lack initiative in a society that encourages passivity and excessive consumption. The lawyers are only after the fast-food franchises because they have deep pockets, not out of any concern for the general welfare.

Found at Overlawyered:

Big Food Next?
The first lawsuits against fatty-food sellers were justifiably the subject of parody, but a few months later, without plaintiffs having won a single case, a USA Today front-page article treats the idea of big damages awards as a near-inevitable outcome, quoting two plaintiffs' lawyers, and without a single quote from anyone suggesting that such lawsuits may not be good public policy. Such coverage has a tendency, of course, to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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A caller remarked that he'd been to Holland recently and didn't see one fat person on his whole tour (and Leykis chimed in that Holland has McD's franchises). The caller concluded that it was because the Dutch walk most everywhere.

Simple exercise is a wonderful thing. I don't own a car, I walk a mile to work. I take the Greyhound to Hutchinson, but its a 4 mile walk from the bus stop to the DZ. Its great. Little things like this are why I am not worried about my metabolism ever slowing down. ...and why I cringe when I see someone riding a Segway.

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