
Do you knock before entering a room with a closed door?

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Just wondering because at work, I have a private office. I usually keep the door closed. My assistant and one of my bosses, always knock before entering - which I appreciate. But the other people in the office just march right on it (which sometimes scares the crap out of me when all is quiet and I'm not expecting it).

It drives me f-ing crazy - so just wondering how many other people out there think it's ok to just barge into anyone's office / room anytime. Thanks. :)

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Why not mention to those that enter without knocking that you'd appreciate it if they would knock first from that time forward...

...just a thought...:P
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Well, duh. ;) hahaha. Thanks :D I actually have done that, but some just don't care. So what I've started doing is sneaking up on / barging in on them. See if that works. Theres only 2 people that are really bad about it. I just wanted to know if other people out there thought this was just a little rude or not.

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do I knock when I see a closed door,,,,


Ahhh, Beth, now we know why you fit in with skydivers so well......you're just as messed up as we are!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Even better, when one of the two violators walks in unannounced just ignore them. If they start talking just say out loud while looking around "is someone here? I didn't hear a knock" then wait for them to unfuck themselves and go back and knock on the door.:D This is even more of a laugh when there is already someone in your office with you and they get to watch:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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When I worked for a telecom company, they took the locks off of the conference rooms. Apparently, there was a couple having a conference in a locked conf rm after hours and a cleaning person unlocked it and walked in on them. :$

A concern surfaced that similar activities may be happening during the day, so they took all the locks off.

The standard method for offices has been: Door is closed, they are busy, don't even knock. Door is most closed, it is to shut out noise, knock and enter.

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Not only should people knock, but they should wait for you to tell them it's okay to enter your office. If they don't, then you should say something to them. One day I decided to have lunch in my office, closed the door, took off my shoes and started to relax, when one of the computer guys knocked on my door and then just walked in. I said to him "You didn't wait for me to say it was okay to come in". He said, "You weren't here a minute ago.". I told him that he could have caused a very embarrassing situation because I might have been getting changed to go work-out. He looked embarrassed and never did it again. [:/]
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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The easiest way to solve that problem is just put up a sign that says, when closed please knock.

You'd think this would work - but in our old office, we all shared a bathroom. Someone was always forgetting to flush the toilet (we all knew it was my boss). So - I put up a big sign on the door that read "Please be sure to flush the toilet before exiting the bathroom". You could not miss it. However, nothing changed. :S

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When im about to enter a new place,i always knock,unless its sopoused to be only me there at that time.
Each tiime i enter somthing personal.I even knock at my parents house.i like people to respect my place,so i respect theirs.

Some times people just dont understand it.Try start locking your door each time.i know it will be a pain in the ass,but after trying to enter 2-3 times they should know that its more easy to knock whith their hands thand their heads:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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