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Depends how you define it. Lots of people are average. Normal today means something very different than 50 years ago too. So, a better question is were you ever normal?

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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It seems to me that "normal" means something along the lines of "conforming to a standard." Then we must examine the foundation of this, i.e., what is the standard?

The normal person is abnormal in many ways. So we see that a normal person is abnormal.

Thus, the abnormal person is normal.

Ergo, abnormal = normal.

We are all normal. We are all abnormal.

I'm more abnormal than you, though.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Average is responce devided by number of responces.

Median is half-way between two extremes.

Normal is 1 standard deviation or less from average.

By definition, half of all people are below average.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i dont' believe in the definition of normality, for wut is normal to some people isn't to others. Take the issue in this forum....we have sodomy...to some its normal as kissing, to some its the most abnormal action one can take. thus...i don't think there is one definition...i think its a self implied termB|

Procrastination is like masturbation it feels good while your doing it but in the end you realize your only fucking urself

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i dont' believe in the definition of normality, for wut is normal to some people isn't to others. Take the issue in this forum....we have sodomy...to some its normal as kissing, to some its the most abnormal action one can take. thus...i don't think there is one definition...i think its a self implied termB|

now you can see why the study....it just has a meaning.....that goes on and on

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maybe it's not about what you do on a daily basis... As long as you have 1.? kids, a dog, drink X cases of beer, eat 40lbs of sugar, 4 gallons of butter, a helluvalot of salt and fat, ...

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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You are normal if you have been scaled by one over your own length.

Oh, wait, wrong subject:S

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Well, i get up and go to work, put in 8 hours, go home, have dinner, watch monday night football, go to bed, do all that 4 more nights in a row, then lay around and get lazy on saturdays and sundays!!;)

Then i do some really fun stuff, no, not cleaning the house.

Then i do this 52 weeks each year!! Thats normal

(like i've ever been accused of being normal)lol have a good day!!

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Well, i get up and go to work, put in 8 hours, go home, have dinner, watch monday night football, go to bed, do all that 4 more nights in a row, then lay around and get lazy on saturdays and sundays!!;)

Then i do some really fun stuff, no, not cleaning the house.

Then i do this 52 weeks each year!! Thats normal

(like i've ever been accused of being normal)lol have a good day!!

lol....you have a great weekend too;).....you ab...I mean normal person you;)

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