
Spider sex causes spontaneous death

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Lots of other male insects leave themselves inside the female - they do it to promote their gene line. If only their sperm makes it to the eggs, then their genes have a better chance of being carried on. Bees do this.

There's a book called Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to all Creation (I think that's the right name). It's hilarious - its about all the crazy things other creatures do in there sex lives and how it relates to humans (apparenly, we're pretty boring). But my boyfriend confiscated it cause he thought I might be getting bad ideas - he opened the book to the section on females killing their mates.

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Bwahahahaha... that's pretty funny!! I have to find that and see how we compare... boring huh?? We'll see about that!! ;) :D:D:D

Men, yes. Women, no. (sorry guys). It dispels some myths about sexual interaction and gender roles. Like it makes the point that female species are very permiscous and by female species having sex with several males actually strengthens her offspring - to the betterment of the species. It compares the male human genitalia to other creatures and basicially says our men's gentalia are boring and provides little to brag about, except girth. - more reason as to why he confiscated it.

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Acrobatics...they make bedtime interesting!;)

Just remember to stretch before hand, you don't want to pull something...unless you're alone, then maybe you do...:)

Sounds like a male thing...I can't think of anything I'd want to PULL, even when I was alone...:S

Blondes do have more fun!

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When I was 15 I had a pet tarantula. I never got to see this happen, but I read in a book that when they mate, the male spins out a little patch of silk & then wanks off onto it. Then he draws the semen up into his pedipalpi, which look like small legs and are positioned at the front of the animal right near the mouth. (Normally the pedipalpi are used to help grasp food)

Unlike some spiders where the female is like 5 or more times the size of the male, in tarantulas, the female is only slightly bigger than the male.

So anyway, the male will approach the female, she will rear up as if ready to fight, then the male catches her chelicerae (her fangs) with his front legs, and then use the pedipalpi to insert the semen into her. Afterwards, the female usually kills, and often eats, the male.

But the thing is, once a male tarantula reaches sexual maturity, he only has a few months to live anyway whether he mates or not. Females can go on to live nearly twice as long as males, and mate many times.
Speed Racer

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